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Re: October Gaming - Be Very Afraid

Posted: 09 Oct 2014 10:54
by Kiwi the Tortoise
I think I just found my Halloween game.

Dog of Dracula 2: Cyber Monogatari


Re: October Gaming - Be Very Afraid

Posted: 09 Oct 2014 12:23
by Kiwi the Tortoise
Well... maybe not. Already done with it ;)

Re: October Gaming - Be Very Afraid

Posted: 09 Oct 2014 14:47
by Sharecrow
I vented in the chat a couple days ago about Siren starting you at checkpoints disarmed and, depending on the checkpoint, without any weapons near you but still plenty of enemies. You're pretty much helpless without weapons. I had a "hell yeah!!!!" moment last night when I came across a beer bottle before getting killed. I was suddenly a murdering bastard and ended up getting a kitchen knife from one of the infected I killed so I upgraded. And I finally got out of Episode 5!!! Woo-hoo! On to 6... I'm almost halfway through this now.

Re: October Gaming - Be Very Afraid

Posted: 09 Oct 2014 15:57
by A Beta Fu7ure
I've also now beaten Baby Felix: Halloween now too, so I'm now 2-0 up in my Halloween challenge.

It also wasn't too bad a game. Although it was a more standard platformer the six levels shook things up each time by doing something slightly different (in many ways reminding me of the diversity of Bio Miracle Bokkute Uppa).

Easy mode was indeed easy but I'll definitely play it through at least once more with the female character. Curiously, despite the Halloween title and vaguely Halloween centred plot only one of the six worlds was actually Halloween related, with the rest being totally unrelated stuff like dinosaurs and space stages!

Fun little title though.

Bubble Ghost is up next. I'm also going to pick another couple of games to add to my list. Currently thinking of Castlevania: Circle of the Moon on GBA and Dark Arms: Beast Busters on NGPC

Re: October Gaming - Be Very Afraid

Posted: 09 Oct 2014 17:56
by Yasume
I'll hopefully be playing a bit (hardly have time to play video games nowadays:() of Costume Quest 2, Fear Effect, Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil: Revelations, Corpse Party: Book of Shadows, Manhunt 2, BioShock and The Cat Lady.

Err..well at least 2 of them.

Re: October Gaming - Be Very Afraid

Posted: 09 Oct 2014 22:43
by pdSlooper
I'm thinking I'll join in, but be totally unoriginal and play a Castlevania game. Probably Order of Ecclesia. That was a lot of fun.

Re: October Gaming - Be Very Afraid

Posted: 10 Oct 2014 04:54
by A Beta Fu7ure
I've also added the (surprisingly faithful) GBC port of Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare to my Halloween Fest.

If I get through the remaining four games on my portable list then I've remembered I also have the original AitD trilogy on GoG to play.

Re: October Gaming - Be Very Afraid

Posted: 11 Oct 2014 13:13
by Kiwi the Tortoise
Currently pondering to take on Clive Barker's Pancakes Undying. #NotYourPancakes

Re: October Gaming - Be Very Afraid

Posted: 11 Oct 2014 14:17
by Sharecrow
I got a little further in the third night in Fatal Frame. I'm getting more adept with my camera. This game is frightening and engaging at the same time.

I also got to episode 7 in Siren: Blood Curse. I'm officially halfway through it. Riding in mine cars was fun. I also got my hands in a shotgun and sawed it at a workbench. That was extremely effective.

Re: October Gaming - Be Very Afraid

Posted: 11 Oct 2014 16:05
by VictorViper
I started Lone Survivor on Vita last night. First let me say headphones are a MUST. I'm pleasantly surprised how tense and creepy it gets despite its graphical style, and that's HUGELY attributed to the sound design. I'm going to refrain from saying anything else about the game for now, but this is another example of a title I'd have never played on PS3.