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Site Updates 2020

Posted: 10 Dec 2020 18:27
by Kong Wen
  • Rendering error in error_log
  • Purging member list of inactive/fake accounts

If the site does go down completely for more than a day or so (realistically, it should go down for at least a brief time while the updates are being applied)—first of all, don't worry, because it's planned and I'm working on it. There are a few ways of staying connected for updates until the site goes back up.
  1. We have a little-used Discord server. We set this up back when we were testing out on-site chat functionality, and in a pinch, it could be a backup gathering place while we work to get the main site back online.
  2. Many of you also have me as a friend on Facebook, where I'm less active but can be reached via Messenger etc.
Tentative start date for these updates will be around the weekend of 19-20 December, but I'll post another notification when I nail it down. — the back-end and forum updates are now complete. I'll leave this thread here for now in case there are any lingering glitches and/or while we address the larger issue of the front site. :neon:

Re: Site Updates 2020

Posted: 18 Jan 2021 05:37
by Kong Wen
Alright, I've gotten everything to do with the forum fully updated and running smoothly, as far as my own testing is concerned. If you do notice anything weird or wonky or glitchy while navigating the forum, make a post in here and I'll add it to my list of things to address. Thanks for your patience!! :neon:

After working on forum updates, I also have to take a look at main site theme updates for compatibility with the newest version of Wordpress (e.g. main carousel not loading, footer not loading, etc.). — the theme author stopped updating this theme in 2019, and many features are broken and/or no longer supported. That means we're going to have to move to a new theme (with lots of manual work to port existing content and structure over)... or do something else.

Re: Site Updates 2020

Posted: 18 Jan 2021 16:19
by Kong Wen
Spoiler tags should be working now.
This is a spoiler
This is a spoiler too
nested spoilers
nested spoilers:
nested spoilers
Maybe not in the chat yet. The chat and spoiler tags are separate mods.

Re: Site Updates 2020

Posted: 18 Jan 2021 16:51
by Kong Wen
Our lightbox image resizing should be back up and running now.


Re: Site Updates 2020

Posted: 18 Jan 2021 17:38
by Kong Wen
Alright, we have our advanced polling options back! This is the one that worried me because the extension I was using fell into disrepair and was abandoned by the original modders. But someone picked up the slack for the new phpBB version. Our old voting data has been stripped, sadly, which is why I wanted to wait and do this between BGE rounds.

Re: Site Updates 2021

Posted: 23 Jan 2021 20:32
by MerlinDrazziw
Don't know if it was the same before the update (don't think so) but the paging numbers above and below multi-page threads are in bold except for the selected page. Can't remember seeing bold numbers before the update. Guess it got something to do with the button styling as "Post Reply" and "Jump to" are also bold .. also wasn't so before the update. But then again .. I could be wrong.

Re: Site Updates 2021

Posted: 23 Jan 2021 20:44
by MerlinDrazziw
Even the buttons above the full reply editor are bold. These I know for certain weren't bold before the update.

Re: Site Updates 2020

Posted: 23 Jan 2021 21:00
by Kong Wen
Slowly going through stylesheet upgrades. Buttons probably changed a bit. One thing that changed for sure is the addition of "warning" functionality in the buttons above each post for mods, but we don't have a warning button image. I'll have to deal with that after the updates are fully done.

Re: Site Updates 2020

Posted: 24 Jan 2021 12:08
by SkyPikachu
At the top there use to be a thing that would show all the forum folders I'm in. For example for this thread it would say This Old Neon < Forum Index < Public Council < Site Updates 2020 however now it only says This Old Neon < Forum Index < < this seems like a bug and it's really frustrating if I just want to go back one forum thread to check our threads yet it forces me back to the forum index. There is a work around with the < Return to "Insert thread here" button at the bottom but that only goes back one and not multiples.

Is there anyway of fixing this?

Re: Site Updates 2021

Posted: 24 Jan 2021 13:12
by MerlinDrazziw
Those are the breadcrumps KW has on his to fix list somewhere :)