What's the latest thing you bought?

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What's the latest thing you bought?

Post by kawaiipikachu »

This is the thread for you to tell us the latest thing you bought whether be a game or DVD OR Even if you managed to buy a Lamborghini.
Post it here & let us know all about it

Let me start of by saying what I bought

Shakugan no Shana: The Movie (Blu ray/DVD)
My Shana collection is now finally complete

Cardcaptor Sakura The movie (DVD)
Already got the uncut series now I got the first of the 2 movies.

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Season 3 Disc 1
Unlike the Australian release of Season 1 & 2 where theres a box with volume 1 & then you fill the rest up with later volumes it appears that season 3 lacking a box for some reason, for the moment.
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Re: What's the latest thing you bought?

Post by neuzd »

I spent a lot of money recently, all for music related business.
The stuff I'm most intrigued by are a couple of effects:

The incredibly versatile and ubiquitous "Hall of Fame" reverb by TC Electronic:
This little guy sounds simply amazing, it leaves the original tone untouched and the various reverbs are very distinctive.
(and it's also frigging beautiful to look at!)


The following unit is the "Stereo Memory Man with Hazaray", digital-delay/looper by Electro Harmonix.
This is some crazy delay effect but it's very simple and straightworward to use, so you can make it warp your sound in very interesting ways.


Not bothering you with everything that was in the 8+Kg package that accompained these jewels. These 2 effects are what I'm having most fun using.
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Re: What's the latest thing you bought?

Post by The Shoemaker »

I just bought 1001 Spikes. The latest "big" thing I've bought though was my first suit, it's a pretty snazzy grey CK and it was 50% too!
Currently reading: A Feast For Crows AND A Dance With Dragons
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Re: What's the latest thing you bought?

Post by Jelly »

The last thing I bought was a vintage 1930-1950 British embroidery of a peacock on linen. The colours work in my kitchen, I have a nice fancy gold frame I'm gonna put it in. I like the simplistic design and the naive homemade feel.
It's amazing that you can get vintage works of art for what a cheaply printed poster would cost.

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Re: What's the latest thing you bought?

Post by The Shoemaker »

Looks pretty nice Jelly!
Currently reading: A Feast For Crows AND A Dance With Dragons
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Re: What's the latest thing you bought?

Post by Jelly »

I love lace curtains (except floral patterned ones). There is something about the white texture and how they are semi see-through that I find very appealing. They can change the atmosphere of a room unlike any other decorational item.

My lastest purchase, also peacock themed, is this peacock pattern vintage French lace curtain.

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Re: What's the latest thing you bought?

Post by kawaiipikachu »

Serial Experiments Lain Complete Collection DVD/BD set.
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Re: What's the latest thing you bought?

Post by Forscyvus »

Some Killstreak Kits for my Team Fortress 2 weapons.
lol hello
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Re: What's the latest thing you bought?

Post by kawaiipikachu »

Azu Daioh Manga the Animation (Complete Collection)DVD
This is apparently where the Waifu meme started well before some overly obsessed Otakus turned it into something way creepy.
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Re: What's the latest thing you bought?

Post by kawaiipikachu »

Yesterday I managed to won my very first bid on Ebay.
It was Angelic layer complete Collection.
It's basically out of print & hard pressed to find a good copy for under a $100 without it looking like a shady deal.
All for $50 plus P&H.

As for Today I got the "Fruits Basket" complete collection on DVD.
"Into the distance, a ribbon of black
Stretched to the point of no turning back
A flight of fancy on a wind swept field
Standing alone my senses reeled
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