Here's how I see this working. Instead of sending gifts to people and not knowing what's going on... we'll each get a Santa, and that person selects a game for us to play (from our backlog—no gifting involved) over the winter holiday break.
- So, each person who wants to participate will leave a post in here with a list of the games or systems they'll have access to over the break (alternatively, make sure your Backloggery is up to date).
- I'll plug everyone who's interested in participating into the BGE RNG Engine to randomly assign Santas.
- Your Santa then chooses a game for you to play! (And maybe a backup game in case you beat that initial one too quickly...!)
- If you successfully beat the game before like January 2nd, you win THIS OLD NEON ACCOLADES!
Sound like fun? Suggestions? Tweaks?