Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate

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Re: Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate

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I'm just about done 5* village quests now, I'm assuming 6* will be high rank, which will put me on par with where I am in multiplayer which is at HR 4. I'm still maining using Long Sword, Charge Blade and Switch Axe, but I've been messing around with the gunlance lately which has been pretty fun. Not sure if it will ever be more effective than my main weapons, but it's a fun little change.

Low rank sure is easy though! I've been using the Tetsucabra armor all throughout low rank and haven't felt the need to get any other armor yet. It gives me a defence boost so none of the other low rank armor sets seem worth it, and I also don't see the point in farming for low rank armor when I'm so close to switching over to high rank :P

I haven't fought anything super crazy yet, but the Seltas Queen was a pretty cool surprise. The way it takes the normal Seltas and and sucks the life out of it then uses it is pretty sweet. Other than that I still love the Zinogre fight. I spent many, many hours in 3U fighting the 2 Zinogre's to make their weapons and armor, high rank and G, so I've got that fight down to a T. Really satisfying to completely master a fight with a monster.
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Re: Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate

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I'm at HR7 at the moment. This Monster Hunter game has proven to be as addicting as ever. At the moment I main the Insect Glaive, Sword and Shield and Greatsword, in that order.

6* Quests are actually somewhere in between low rank and high rank. Some of the monsters you fight at 6* will drop high rank materials, but the quests themselves are still considered low rank. Additionally, you will always start at the base in 6* quests, which is a low rank feature.

The difficulty amps up considerably in high rank, both online and in singleplayer. I had fainted maybe two or three times total during low rank quests. When I got to high rank, though, I started having much greater difficulty with the game. Monsters such as pink rathian just tended to destroy me.

After getting better armor, though, it became a lot easier. I currently have several different armor sets that I alternate from. I actually prefer to have a few different sets as they give different elemental resistances and skills. Tetsucabra is a great set for low rank but it becomes quickly obsolete later on in the game. This is true even with high rank Tetsucabra sets. A problem with the Tetsu sets is that Health becomes a useless stat once you are able to acquire max potions and get better ingredients for food.

Some sets I like:

Lagombi: There's nothing great about this set. I just like the design. :lol:

Najarala: It gives you more materials when you capture monsters as well as Earplugs/HG Earplugs. You can gem in perception and focus on capturing monsters. It also has high fire resistance.

Rathalos: I don't really like the design of the Rathalos set, but Attack Up is always good.

Arc (Shageru Magala): I like the design of this set. Like the Lagombi, it's unspectacular, but the defense is pretty good.

Red Khezu: This set is really ideal for SNS. Wide-Range is a fantastic skill, especially online. I also think this armor set looks great, except for the hat which I replaced with the Caravaneer's hat instead.
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Re: Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate

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Got back into this game now that schools done for the semester. I went from HR 4 to HR 7 today! Currently sitting at 87 hours. I'm doing 9* Caravan quests now so I'm thinking I'm close to entering G rank in both modes.

I'm using high rank Nerycella armor right now, nothing super fancy, but just convenient stuff. I have the posion skill so I'm not effected by posion, critical +10, speedsetup (I use traps and bombs a lot) speed gatherer (makes mining and carving much faster) and a skill that lets me see when a monster is ready to be trapped. I also have a Nerycella Charge Blade which has the most white sharpeness I've seen at this level so far.

I also got into the Insect Glaive recently, another good addition to the game along with the Charge Blade. I just love weapons that involve you working towards a big combo. In this case it's getting the attack bonus with your bug and increasing your rate of attacks. I also made a pretty sweet Glaive with good sharpeness and paralysis, I think it came from a Seltas but I'm not sure.

HR 7 looks pretty daunting with a lot of new never seen before monsters, I'll probably have to make a new armor set soon but haven't decided what yet!
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Re: Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate

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Been playing this alot lately as work has been slowing down. I'm at around 220 hours and HR 109, Bronze G-crown. G rank has been a lot of fun, at first I was getting stuck in a lot of rooms with people who would just die, but eventually I figured out how to spot a good team. I've done almost every quest available in single player, just some 10 star uregent quests left to do and one low rank urgent (Rajang, Zinogre, Shagaru Magala - nasty combo).

My main weapons are still Charge Blade, insect Glaive and Long Sword. But I've also recently gotten into the Hunting Horn and more into the Switch Axe. Hunting Horn is a lot of fun. I tried to get used to the hammer but when I picked the horn it felt like it had the power of a hammer but with the bonus of support songs to increase team stats. I will probably wait a while before I try getting into any bow gear, leave that for last when I'm tired of everything.

The game has a ton of content, and I like how a lot of it opens up around G rank. Just a lot of new things in this game to keep it interesting, like Honing, Apex monsters, and specific weapons like the Chaos Gore Magala set and the Serigeos set with their unique abilities. Right now I'm using a Shagaru Magala armor set, with a charm that gives me speed sharpening and evasion +2, on top of handicraft, gloves off +2 and antivirus from the armor itself. A little less defense than the Gravios set I was using before, but the skills are so much better.
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Re: Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate

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I've been playing this religiously of late after starting a new profile. I'm at G2 right now with my major weapons being insect glaive, hunting horn, greatsword and para sns. I've considered learning long sword. I actually finished that low rank "caravaneer's challenge" with the zinogre, rajang and shagaru magala with a mixed vangis set fairly early on. Mostly I used smoke bombs or/and ran around like a chicken watching rajang blast the hell out of the poor zinogre, getting in attacks whenever I could.

I progress through the game very slowly because I really like to stop and craft different armor sets.
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Re: Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate

Post by The Shoemaker »

Jordan wrote:I've been playing this religiously of late after starting a new profile. I'm at G2 right now with my major weapons being insect glaive, hunting horn, greatsword and para sns. I've considered learning long sword. I actually finished that low rank "caravaneer's challenge" with the zinogre, rajang and shagaru magala with a mixed vangis set fairly early on. Mostly I used smoke bombs or/and ran around like a chicken watching rajang blast the hell out of the poor zinogre, getting in attacks whenever I could.

I progress through the game very slowly because I really like to stop and craft different armor sets.
Man I haven't even beat the Caravaneer's Challenge and I'm at HR 121 :p. I never gave it a good try though, I basically saw the Rajang and said "nope" haha.

I've been playing here and there, just finishing up some low/high rank multiplayer quests while on the bus. Almost have a level 10 Brachydios Glaive, just need this one final rare piece that doesn't come from a G rank brachy. Not sure where to get it.
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Re: Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate

Post by Jordan »

The Shoemaker wrote:
Jordan wrote:I've been playing this religiously of late after starting a new profile. I'm at G2 right now with my major weapons being insect glaive, hunting horn, greatsword and para sns. I've considered learning long sword. I actually finished that low rank "caravaneer's challenge" with the zinogre, rajang and shagaru magala with a mixed vangis set fairly early on. Mostly I used smoke bombs or/and ran around like a chicken watching rajang blast the hell out of the poor zinogre, getting in attacks whenever I could.

I progress through the game very slowly because I really like to stop and craft different armor sets.
Man I haven't even beat the Caravaneer's Challenge and I'm at HR 121 :p. I never gave it a good try though, I basically saw the Rajang and said "nope" haha.

I've been playing here and there, just finishing up some low/high rank multiplayer quests while on the bus. Almost have a level 10 Brachydios Glaive, just need this one final rare piece that doesn't come from a G rank brachy. Not sure where to get it.
I cheat a little and use kiranico to find mats or drops. If you don't mind looking up information online for games, I would definitely recommend that site. I stopped using insect glaive myself because I need a freakin' gore mantle to upgrade my current one. If I ever get one I'll get back into that weapon though. Your HR is quite a bit higher than mine but I'm moving up a bit through G. I just got to G3 recently, which seems like the ultimate hell.

My main sets right now:

Mixed Berserk Tetsucabra Set (primary): HR Earplugs, Bombardier, Capture Guru, Status +2, Guard Boost. Used with a sleep sns (Cold Blood). I decided to eschew stylish bombing in favor of a traditional approach with greater sleep efficacy. ...ok, in actuality I just really like the design of the g rank tetsu sets.

Mixed Monodevil Set: Handicraft, Attack Up M, Focus, Expert +1, Adrenaline +1. Used with GS (Grand Glory Blade). The draw of this set is having both focus and purple sharpness.

Mixed Vangis Set (increasingly outdated): Handicraft, Attack up L, Speed Eating +2. Used with anything I want but mostly insect glaive. (the shagaru magala one). I say this is increasingly outdated but that's just a matter of preference. It's actually still completely viable and right now has more defense than my main set.

I also have a full molten tigrex set which I use with hunting horn and some sets for gathering or transporting but those are whatever.
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Re: Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate

Post by The Shoemaker »

Jordan wrote:
The Shoemaker wrote:
Jordan wrote:I've been playing this religiously of late after starting a new profile. I'm at G2 right now with my major weapons being insect glaive, hunting horn, greatsword and para sns. I've considered learning long sword. I actually finished that low rank "caravaneer's challenge" with the zinogre, rajang and shagaru magala with a mixed vangis set fairly early on. Mostly I used smoke bombs or/and ran around like a chicken watching rajang blast the hell out of the poor zinogre, getting in attacks whenever I could.

I progress through the game very slowly because I really like to stop and craft different armor sets.
Man I haven't even beat the Caravaneer's Challenge and I'm at HR 121 :p. I never gave it a good try though, I basically saw the Rajang and said "nope" haha.

I've been playing here and there, just finishing up some low/high rank multiplayer quests while on the bus. Almost have a level 10 Brachydios Glaive, just need this one final rare piece that doesn't come from a G rank brachy. Not sure where to get it.
I cheat a little and use kiranico to find mats or drops. If you don't mind looking up information online for games, I would definitely recommend that site. I stopped using insect glaive myself because I need a freakin' gore mantle to upgrade my current one. If I ever get one I'll get back into that weapon though. Your HR is quite a bit higher than mine but I'm moving up a bit through G. I just got to G3 recently, which seems like the ultimate hell.

My main sets right now:

Mixed Berserk Tetsucabra Set (primary): HR Earplugs, Bombardier, Capture Guru, Status +2, Guard Boost. Used with a sleep sns (Cold Blood). I decided to eschew stylish bombing in favor of a traditional approach with greater sleep efficacy. ...ok, in actuality I just really like the design of the g rank tetsu sets.

Mixed Monodevil Set: Handicraft, Attack Up M, Focus, Expert +1, Adrenaline +1. Used with GS (Grand Glory Blade). The draw of this set is having both focus and purple sharpness.

Mixed Vangis Set (increasingly outdated): Handicraft, Attack up L, Speed Eating +2. Used with anything I want but mostly insect glaive. (the shagaru magala one). I say this is increasingly outdated but that's just a matter of preference. It's actually still completely viable and right now has more defense than my main set.

I also have a full molten tigrex set which I use with hunting horn and some sets for gathering or transporting but those are whatever.
I wouldn't still be playing if I didn't use Kiranico :p I just haven't bothered to look up the Brachydios item yet! I'm still using my S. Malgala armor from before because it just fits so many situations. The only other thing I would like is Rock Steady, but it's terribly hard to get that and Handicraft in one set. I wouldn't mind trying a mycology set sometime.

I've been using the Waxglare Wand, which is just an awesome switch axe. 1458 attack, poison 300, purple sharpness, power phial and has 3 slots. It's a beast, immediately made switch axe my second most used weapon. Plus it looks badass:
I have yet to beat a Molten Tigrex though.
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Re: Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate

Post by Jordan »

That switch axe looks awesome. We should hunt some time. We could do a few of those nasty 7* quests if you wanted to. I usually hunt with a couple other people so we could have a 4 man going.

oh and mycology is godlike.
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