Cooking & Eating

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Kiwi the Tortoise
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Cooking & Eating

Post by Kiwi the Tortoise »

Henceforth this shall be the place to discuss your kitchen adventures.

Did you eat anything interesting and want the world to know?
Did you cook something delicious?
Got a recipe to discuss or share?
This is the place for you!
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Kiwi the Tortoise
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Re: Cooking & Eating

Post by Kiwi the Tortoise »

To start things out, here a recipe for todays pasta lunch:

Slice up a Zuchinin, Tomatoes, an Onion (or Spring Onions), a Bellpepper and put them in a fireproof form.
Add Salt, Mixed Pepper, a few spoons of Olive Oil and Honey plus 2 or 3 cloves of garlic on top of it.

Bake at 200° Celsius for 30 minutes.

Meanwhile cook pasta and mix with the braised veggies (incl. the liquid), mash the garlic cloves with a fork and mix them in aswell.
Add some Parmesan (or similar hard cheese) and some Olives and done!

Easy to do, and quite delicious.
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Kong Wen
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Re: Cooking & Eating

Post by Kong Wen »

Thanks Kiwi, I'll definitely try that one!

I have a nice little home-spun recipe for pizza I'm going to be eating tonight. I'll post that one in a bit.
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