Re: PS5 "Play Activity" Log
Posted: 08 Jan 2024 01:58
1 - 534 hours - Mega Man Legacy Collection
2 - 256 hours - Assassin’s Creed Unity
3 - 252 hours - Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
4 - 194 hours - Tales of Berseria
5 - 185 hours - Beach Buggy Racing
6 - 133 hours - .hack//G.U. Last Recode
7 - 128 hours - Sega Mega Drive Classics (+ 2 positions, + 9 hours)
8 - 122 hours - Samurai Warriors 4
9 - 121 hours - Assassin’s Creed Origins
10 - 114 hours - Shadow of the Colossus (+ 7 hours)
11 - 105 hours - Dragon Quest 11
12 - 104 hours - Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection
13 - 103 hours - Tales of Vesperia
14 - 98 hours - Knack
15 - 97 hours - Outlast 2 (+ 2 positions, + 15 hours)
16 - 89 hours - Steredenn
17 - 85 hours - Resogun
18 - 81 hours - Dead Island
19 - 79 hours - Alien: Isolation
20 - 78 hours - Ghost of Tsushima
21 - 77 hours - Assassin’s Creed Syndicate
22 - 73 hours - Far Cry Primal
23 - 73 hours - Outlast
2 - 256 hours - Assassin’s Creed Unity
3 - 252 hours - Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
4 - 194 hours - Tales of Berseria
5 - 185 hours - Beach Buggy Racing
6 - 133 hours - .hack//G.U. Last Recode
7 - 128 hours - Sega Mega Drive Classics (+ 2 positions, + 9 hours)
8 - 122 hours - Samurai Warriors 4
9 - 121 hours - Assassin’s Creed Origins
10 - 114 hours - Shadow of the Colossus (+ 7 hours)
11 - 105 hours - Dragon Quest 11
12 - 104 hours - Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection
13 - 103 hours - Tales of Vesperia
14 - 98 hours - Knack
15 - 97 hours - Outlast 2 (+ 2 positions, + 15 hours)
16 - 89 hours - Steredenn
17 - 85 hours - Resogun
18 - 81 hours - Dead Island
19 - 79 hours - Alien: Isolation
20 - 78 hours - Ghost of Tsushima
21 - 77 hours - Assassin’s Creed Syndicate
22 - 73 hours - Far Cry Primal
23 - 73 hours - Outlast