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Re: Round 3: The Saskatchewan Bracket

Posted: 01 Oct 2015 01:45
by Claytone
I might abstain on this one. I've not played a couple, and the ones I have played aren't great. I've always thought DKC1 was monstrously overrated. Very underwhelming platformer, IMO.

Re: Round 3: The Saskatchewan Bracket

Posted: 02 Oct 2015 00:51
by evildevil97
The original Donkey Kong Country was a terrific game back when it first came out. Some of the best SNES graphics at the time, too. The sequels did so much better, though. DKC is just one of those games that deserves praise, but it's mostly through rose-coloured glasses.

Re: Round 3: The Saskatchewan Bracket

Posted: 04 Oct 2015 00:08
by Kong Wen
Donkey Kong Country, Link's Awakening, and Blaster Master will advance to the next round!