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Re: Round 3: The British Columbia Bracket

Posted: 01 Oct 2015 01:33
by Claytone
I voted only for F-Zero GX, since I think it's so much better than any other game in this bracket. I will be absolutely morose and a little mad if this loses to Pokémon fucking Red/Blue versions

Re: Round 3: The British Columbia Bracket

Posted: 01 Oct 2015 01:38
by VictorViper
No sane person would deny F-Zero is a superior game (apples to eggplants aside), but even I have to tip my hat to the one that started it all. To call Pokémon significant is selling it short.

Re: Round 3: The British Columbia Bracket

Posted: 02 Oct 2015 00:57
by evildevil97
God of War really surprised me. I echo everything Kong said about it. I ended up getting the Saga Collection when that hit. I was expecting a mindlessly violent brawler. Ended up being laced with mindful puzzles.

I also voted for Ratchet and Clank. I first played it in the PS3 HD collection, and quickly became a fan of the series. Bought and played everything that was released to the PS3. My only problem, as memory serves, with the original Ratchet and Clank, was the underwater segments. Didn't really work for me when I had to look after my air.

....And Ms. Pac-Man because I'm a sucker for Namco arcade.

Re: Round 3: The British Columbia Bracket

Posted: 04 Oct 2015 00:09
by Kong Wen
Ms. Pac-Man, Pokemon Blue/Red, and F-Zero GX will advance to the next round!