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Re: Round 6: The Erymanthian Boar

Posted: 24 Oct 2015 05:23
by The Shoemaker
I honestly can't differentiate Rock Band 3 from 1, but it got a vote anyways for the general series bringing a lot of fun and getting people together.

Super Star Saga as well, for being a fantastic RPG. Each Mario and Luigi game has been chasing it ever since. This game had a lot of charm and unique features to it that really make it stand the test of time. The advance battle mechanics were also really sweet, and the music and story. They nailed it with this one. This game also really stands out for not being a part of the mushroom kingdom and its standard desert, grassland and ice worlds and oversupply of Toads. The game still had those locals, but they were noticably different than what you would find in the mushroom Kingdom. The beanbean people were also hilarious. Shout out to the Boarder Patrol bros. from way back in the beginning of the game.

Re: Round 6: The Erymanthian Boar

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 21:46
by Claytone
Voted for Superstar Saga, No More Heroes, and Rock Band 3.

I really thought No More Heroes was an awesome trip (as well as its sequel). It was a flawed game, but it was fun and memorable. It also introduced me to Suda51, a creator whose works I've begun amassing but have not gotten around to playing. Maybe I'll have to finally give Killer7 a shot some time soon.

Re: Round 6: The Erymanthian Boar

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 22:39
by Jordan
I just can't bring myself to vote for No More Heroes knowing how flawed a game it is. I love the game and the protagonist deeply, and the sequel was cool too, but it just has too many problems.

Re: Round 6: The Erymanthian Boar

Posted: 29 Oct 2015 20:34
by Kong Wen
SimCity, Doom, Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga, Unreal Tournament 2004, and FTL: Faster Than Light will advance to the final qualifying round!