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Re: Languages.

Posted: 27 Nov 2015 08:24
by Jordan
I know a little bit of Mandarin, but I read better than I speak it. I also can only read traditional.

I'm taking Japanese 101 but I feel uninvested in it and might quit to focus more on Mandarin.

Re: Languages.

Posted: 27 Nov 2015 14:51
by Kong Wen
English is my first language, but I'm technically bilingual (French). I say technically because, although I went through French immersion for 12 years and was pretty good at it, I haven't had to use my French on a regular basis over the last decade. If I were dropped into a 100% French environment where no one understood English, I could get by, but it wouldn't be pretty.

Re: Languages.

Posted: 09 Dec 2015 02:01
by Kreegs
Native - English
Learned L2 - Spanish

I work with a lot of Spanish speaking students and families, so I have a need to use it, but not as often as I would like.

Lots of Spanish spoken where I live and I try to make it to Mexico at least once a year.