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Re: Quarterfinals: 1/4 - Tetris Prime

Posted: 23 Dec 2015 06:24
by Forscyvus

farewell MP you'll always be #1 in my heart.

Re: Quarterfinals: 1/4 - Tetris Prime

Posted: 24 Dec 2015 09:44
by TheGreatNads
neuzd wrote:Seriously what game have you been playing? Because it doesn't look your Metroid Prime is the same as the rest of the world's.
I am hardly the first person to criticize Metroid Prime's level design. You shouldn't be so quick to speak for the rest of the world. How much can a guy from Antarctica really know anyway?

Also seriously, most praise I see of Metroid Prime doesn't get past the "It's Metroid, but it's an FPS!" stage, leaving me with the impression that if this game wasn't a Nintendo IP no one would give a shit about it even with same mechanics, level design, etc(of course one could say the same thing about much of Nintendo's output nowadays). Clearly people like the game, whether that is because it's particularly well-designed, I have my doubts. I think it's one of the more boring FPS games ever made(Prime 2 is even worse to be fair).

Re: Quarterfinals: 1/4 - Tetris Prime

Posted: 24 Dec 2015 10:47
by neuzd
That explains it.
It's nort an FPS. It's an action adventure with a first person view. Shooting is a less important part of the game and the focus is on exploration, navigation and puzzle solving, exactly like...mmmh lets's see...Metroid.
It's not a game for you evidently, and I don't see anything wrong in criticizing a game, but saying that it has a level design worse than Tetris, because you perceived the game in the wrong way is just, well, wrong. The fact that you think that Prime 2, which is the most complex in level design, is even worse is the proof that you got the experience all upside down.
In the lines of what you said, I could point out that Shaq-Fu has better fighting mechanics than Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo.

Re: Quarterfinals: 1/4 - Tetris Prime

Posted: 24 Dec 2015 21:09
by TheGreatNads
neuzd wrote:That explains it.
It's nort an FPS. It's an action adventure with a first person view. Shooting is a less important part of the game and the focus is on exploration, navigation and puzzle solving, exactly like...mmmh lets's see...Metroid.
It's not a game for you evidently, and I don't see anything wrong in criticizing a game, but saying that it has a level design worse than Tetris, because you perceived the game in the wrong way is just, well, wrong. The fact that you think that Prime 2, which is the most complex in level design, is even worse is the proof that you got the experience all upside down.
Calling Metroid Prime an FPS(a perfectly true statement) doesn't seem much basis for you to make a bunch of assumptions about how I must be playing Metroid Prime wrong or something. Making a bunch of stuff up is fine, but I don't see why you need to pretend like the last post I made is some kind of "proof" for your theories about why I don't 'get' the Metroid Prime series.

Also, lots of FPS' feature a lot of exploration, navigation, and puzzle solving. I feel compelled to point that out because you seem to think my calling Metroid Prime a first person shooter and saying it's boring compared to other first person shooters justifies a bunch of assumptions about how I view and play the game, and yet in your description of what Metroid Prime is 'really all about' you describe a bunch of things that are in a billion other first person shooters(not to speak of other genres). Let me also note that I never said anything about the shooting. I don't find the navigation, exploration, and puzzle solving in Metroid Prime to be very compelling, but I'm happy to admit that the shooting is also dull(as I think I have made clear, I find the whole experience boring). But yes, Metroid Prime has plenty of design differences from the typical Doom clone, you're right about that. I don't think it follows from that that one should not compare it to other FPS games though, which seems to be what you're implying.

I did not say anything particular about Metroid Prime 2's level design, frankly I do not remember enough about the difference between the two games to be able to say much about how the level design between the two differs. Also, really, considering Metroid Prime 2 was not as well received as the first one, sold less, and is generally less popular, it is a bit let's say irrational to assume I found the second Metroid Prime game more boring than the first because the level design was more complex.

In short, please pick one between condescension or making stuff up. Both at the same time is a bit much. It seems like you could do better if you focused on one.
neuzd wrote:In the lines of what you said, I could point out that Shaq-Fu has better fighting mechanics than Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo.
You could say that, although I don't particularly like this statement as a comparison to my joke statement. Presumably a game that emphasizes "exploration" and "navigation" should have good level design, while comparing the combat in a fighting game that is bad to a tile-matching game, well, it's not clear to me what the point of such a comparison would be were it made. Going by your argument about how the shooting isn't so important in Metroid Prime(at least that seems to be what you're getting at, which I don't really agree with but whatever), it seems like your statement would be more comparable to mine had I said what I said about the shooting instead of the level design. Only trouble with that is I would have to pick a different a game to compare to Metroid Prime, since Tetris doesn't have any shooting.

I also want to mention, since you brought up the shooting in Metroid Prime, that the shooting in the original Metroid games actually is pretty fun. I wouldn't exactly start comparing the Metroid games to Contra or whatever, but even if I did, I wouldn't start thinking the shooting in the Metroid games was shit or something because I compared them to a game that emphasized shooting more.

Re: Quarterfinals: 1/4 - Tetris Prime

Posted: 24 Dec 2015 21:31
by neuzd
You remind me of all those guys spending so much time blathering about and in the end it was because they couldn't even understand how to beat Flaahgra.
Avoid trying to sound so pompous talking about a game that you suck at.

Re: Quarterfinals: 1/4 - Tetris Prime

Posted: 24 Dec 2015 21:36
by TheGreatNads
neuzd wrote:Avoid trying to sound so pompous talking about a game that you suck at.
Well, at least my one sentence post got a reaction. That's got to be worth something.

I'm not in the habit of disliking games I suck at by the way. If I wanted to do that I would probably hate on multiplayer FPS games more, because I really suck at those.

Re: Quarterfinals: 1/4 - Tetris Prime

Posted: 24 Dec 2015 21:39
by neuzd
It's called "Don't fall (too much) into troll's traps".

Re: Quarterfinals: 1/4 - Tetris Prime

Posted: 24 Dec 2015 22:46
by The Shoemaker
I really liked Metroid Prime's puzzle design. I thought it transitioned really well from 2D to 3D. Almost every area had alternate routes leading back to it.

The shooting itself I don't think was all that great. Partly because it never really felt like your attacks hurt the enemies, not enough "omph". Also from a modern perspective, feels a little weird to use anything other than shoulder buttons to shoot.

Re: Quarterfinals: 1/4 - Tetris Prime

Posted: 24 Dec 2015 22:52
by Sharecrow
I thought the puzzles, environment, exploring, and action in Prime were outstanding and I'm not a Nintendo fanboy at all. As many of you know, I sold all my Nintendo stuff a while ago.

Hard mode was awesome though I got stuck relatively early (at the big ice boss). It raised the bar enough that you had to change how you played it and that's what hard mode is supposed to do. Push you :)

Re: Quarterfinals: 1/4 - Tetris Prime

Posted: 25 Dec 2015 00:27
by Pluvius
Metroid Prime is absolutely an FPS. Only Nintendo fanboys ever try to claim otherwise, because they're the only ones that actually pay attention to Nintendo's marketing.

That said, dismissing Metroid Prime because the best argument for it is "It's Metroid, but an FPS!" makes about as much sense as dismissing SM64 because the best argument for it is "It's Mario, but in 3D!"
