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Re: Game of Thrones Discussion (May contain spoilers)

Posted: 23 May 2016 17:35
by The Shoemaker
Definitely the best episode I've seen since season 4.
The Wall stuff was alright (I don't really enjoy Sansa's new character), but the highlights for me were Arya and Bran (zombies were a little over the top, but ultimately it ended up being a character moment, which was great). Iron Islands were good, but lacking that final dragon horn punch. Theon and Yara dipping out was unexpected to me (and with so many ships!), interesting to see where they go. Also, nobody gives a shit that Euron killed Balon? This season is reallllly forgiving of kinslaying :lol:

Re: Game of Thrones Discussion (May contain spoilers)

Posted: 23 May 2016 18:58
by Kong Wen
I made a huge reply here but it was apparently lost because I took too long. :(

Re: Shoe:
"Iron Islands were good, but lacking that final dragon horn punch." — I'll be very, very happy if they don't introduce that element in the show. And it looks like they're not going to. Dragon Horn stand-in is Euron's huge cock.
Very abbreviated summary of my lost reply:
Hodor scene was great.
Probable extinction of the Children of the Forest was crazy.
Interesting that Night King would come all the way back to the tree cave just for Bran—he must know something important.
Greyjoys are still boring. I wonder where Yara and Theon are off to with all those ships?
Varys scene was excellent. Glad to get some good action out of Tyrion and Varys again.
Littlefinger is still a step ahead of Sansa. Even though Sansa is slowly improving as a character, Littlefinger has too much experience and smarts. I don't think Riverrun is as peachy as he claims it is. Could be the show's way of introducing the siege. If it means we get to see Blackfish, Jaime in the field, and maybe more Walder Frey, I'm all for it.

Re: Game of Thrones Discussion (May contain spoilers)

Posted: 23 May 2016 22:33
by Pluvius
I must be the only one that thought the ending was a little Narmy, in the most narrow sense.


Re: Game of Thrones Discussion (May contain spoilers)

Posted: 23 May 2016 22:57
by The Shoemaker
Pluvius wrote:I must be the only one that thought the ending was a little Narmy, in the most narrow sense.

I definitely agree with that, I was laughing at the fact that the wights were zombies and crawling on the walls. The fact that Summer just suicide jumps into a group of wights (gotta save that wolf budget!), and "Hold the Door" was very cheesy. Just in the end the music worked, and beyond "hold the door" being the origin of Hodor, I guess I liked that Bran was the cause of Hodor's disability, and Hodor's decision (or was it Bran skinchanging?) to sacrifice. The fact that there was a backdoor to this cave in general was also wacky. But on another note, this is a perfect time for Coldhands to jump in and save the day.

Big spoilers on Bran's side this week in general, I wonder how much will be translated to the books. I have a feeling the WW origins will be similar, but not exactly the same. Hodor is hard to say because I'm pretty sure old Nan said he could never talk, but it's a possibility Bran messed him up through his Tree dreams. They are making a big focus on the fact that his Tree Dreams affect reality, so I feel that will be popping up in some way.
Kong Wen wrote:I made a huge reply here but it was apparently lost because I took too long. :(
Could be the show's way of introducing the siege. If it means we get to see Blackfish, Jaime in the field, and maybe more Walder Frey, I'm all for it.
This is most definitely what the show is doing. I always assumed the Riverrun stuff earlier in the season, but the fact that it might not pop up until episode 7 now makes me feel like Stoneheart is becoming a possibility for an episode 9/10 reveal.

Re: Game of Thrones Discussion (May contain spoilers)

Posted: 24 May 2016 00:52
by Kong Wen
Pluvius wrote:I must be the only one that thought the ending was a little Narmy, in the most narrow sense.
That's just because you don't have emotions.
"I always assumed the Riverrun stuff earlier in the season, but the fact that it might not pop up until episode 7 now makes me feel like Stoneheart is becoming a possibility for an episode 9/10 reveal." — I still maintain there's a 0.01% chance of Stoneheart being used out of order like this. It would be a weak narrative break—the first example of bad writing being introduced in the show. They'd be much better off merging whatever's left to do with her character into someone else, if it's important enough not to scrap.

Re: Game of Thrones Discussion (May contain spoilers)

Posted: 26 May 2016 06:51
by The Shoemaker
Kong Wen wrote: It would be a weak narrative break—the first example of bad writing being introduced in the show.
Honestly, I could see them doing the Stoneheart thing with just the remaining BWB members, whether that's just Thoros or maybe even Berric and Gendry. It wouldn't have the same personal impact, but it's possible. Maybe the Blackfish will just take Brienne and threaten to hang her unless she kills Jaime. But then again, in this scenario it's hard to say Brienne hasn't fulfilled her oath since she has found Sansa and got her to Jon. So maybe at this point Stoneheart really does have no value.
The bigger question now: will we see Gendry this season? Last we saw he was still rowing back in season 3.

Re: Game of Thrones Discussion (May contain spoilers)

Posted: 26 May 2016 23:23
by Kong Wen
The Shoemaker wrote:Honestly, I could see them doing the spoiler thing with just the remaining BWB members, whether that's just Thoros or maybe even Berric and Gendry. It wouldn't have the same personal impact, but it's possible.
They'll be back, but at that point, like you said, it's not really the spoiler thing anymore. It's just Riverlands drama. Which is fine.
The Shoemaker wrote:The bigger question now: will we see Gendry this season? Last we saw he was still rowing back in season 3.
This is actually a question we'll get to have answered once and for all! If they don't somehow (somehow) transplant him back to the BWB, then he's never coming back.

Re: Game of Thrones Discussion (May contain spoilers)

Posted: 27 May 2016 06:56
by The Shoemaker
Kong Wen wrote: This is actually a question we'll get to have answered once and for all! If they don't somehow (somehow) transplant him back to the BWB, then he's never coming back.
Yeah I feel like he must be showing up here somehow, pretty sure he was a well liked character on the show. They'll just maybe have to explain why he would go back to them, considering they sold him to Melisandre.

Re: Game of Thrones Discussion (May contain spoilers)

Posted: 08 Jun 2016 04:52
by Kreegs
A few thoughts.
Wondering why the Hound is back. Maybe he will fight his brother (the Mountain) in the trial by combat? Seemed like a really long focus on him so late in the season when other stuff is going on!

Arya....I just really don't care. For two seasons we have watched her wash bodies, stumble around blindly, and say that she has no name. Now she has been stabbed and I really don't seem to care at all. Is that bad???

At least John Snow got 62 fighters from the tiny girl!

Theon's sister likes girls apparently. Maybe that's why it didn't bug her so much when Theon stuck his hand down her pants a long time ago...?

Re: Game of Thrones Discussion (May contain spoilers)

Posted: 08 Jun 2016 06:22
by SkyPikachu
I've just caught up and watched Sundays episode live.

Here's my opinion on everything bar S6 Ep7
Ned Stark dying was a huge shock to me I expected he was still in the show considering the memes about winter is coming everywhere.

Khaleesi, Jon, Sam, Bronn and Tyrion Lannister (The imp) are my favorite characters.

I honestly felt Catelyn and Robb Stark met the right fate after betraying I really liked Robbs wife though I felt so bad for her.

I HATE CERSEI she's such a bitch I really hope she dies. (As a character entertainment wise though she's excellent)

I really hated seeing Stanis's daughter die she seem'd so lovely and her greyscale scars kinda looked adorable.
Nonetheless onto the last episode.
No Khaleesi :(
Arya better not be dead :(
The hounds back which surprised me but i'm neither happy not sad. His friends dying was so tragic :(
The 10 year old bear island ruler was amazing.
So glad Margaery hasn't been turned and I hope she's plotting against Cersi :twisted:
Maybe Theon has changed but I still hate him but if he and Yara can help Khaleesi with ships then Theon can stay alive for a while.
The riverlum thing bored me a little other than Bronn being funny.