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Re: TONe Mario Kart 8 League

Posted: 09 Sep 2014 23:04
by Kreegs
What time will you be around Kong? I was thinking maybe 7/730 my time?

Re: TONe Mario Kart 8 League

Posted: 09 Sep 2014 23:13
by Kong Wen
Kreegs wrote:What time will you be around Kong? I was thinking maybe 7/730 my time?
I'll be around at, I'd say, 4:00 your time. The likelihood of being around later will depend on whether people come over after spaghetti night to play Diablo. :)

Re: TONe Mario Kart 8 League

Posted: 09 Sep 2014 23:43
by Kreegs
I leave work at 4, so I could make it by 445/5ish? Mrs. K wouldnt be able to play that early, but thats ok.

Re: TONe Mario Kart 8 League

Posted: 10 Sep 2014 14:38
by MerlinDrazziw
Kong Wen wrote:
MerlinDrazziw wrote:Hope to see one or more EU MK8 players tomorrow around 8 or 9pm CEST (GMT+2). Or maybe some NA/AUS participants?
I'll be snoozin' it up in the office at that time, unfortunately! I hope to be around when I get home from work, though.

Think you'll have more luck getting a game in if we change it back to the weekend? Last time we weren't getting many games because people were just playing with whoever was on instead of trying to recruit/organize more people from the forum, but I think we've gotten better at that.
Problem is the absence of fellow EU/PAL MK8 players that are willing to play on wednesday evening EU time. As far as I can recall, only Slurmee and Trapster have put in a race with me (and Shoemaker when he was early). Slurmee raced me on a weekend and Trapster on a wednesday evening 3/4 weeks ago. Trapster seems to prefer to race with the bulk of NA gamers and even stays up for 37 hours to be able to do so, but I can't do so.

Any weekday is just too limiting due to work/school/etc., whole weekend gives more possible timeframes to get races done. Times after 9:30pm and before 9am (my time) are normally not possible for me, as well as any meal time.

Anywy, I'll try agin tonight. But chances are slim I'll get any races done. If so (no races), I would like to see the tournament moved back to the weekend.

Re: TONe Mario Kart 8 League

Posted: 10 Sep 2014 14:43
by Kong Wen
MerlinDrazziw wrote:Anywy, I'll try agin tonight. But chances are slim I'll get any races done. If so (no races), I would like to see the tournament moved back to the weekend.
Will do! We'll also work on getting some more Europeans for you! :)

Re: TONe Mario Kart 8 League

Posted: 10 Sep 2014 22:45
by Kreegs
I just got home abd can race if others are interested.

Re: TONe Mario Kart 8 League

Posted: 16 Sep 2014 00:53
by Kreegs
Its Monday, so its time to find out who will be playing on Wednesday. I will be in, with Mrs. K out this week due to a neighborhood purse party... Glad its league night!

Re: TONe Mario Kart 8 League

Posted: 16 Sep 2014 04:24
by The Shoemaker
Kong Wen wrote:
MerlinDrazziw wrote:Hope to see one or more EU MK8 players tomorrow around 8 or 9pm CEST (GMT+2). Or maybe some NA/AUS participants?
I'll be snoozin' it up in the office at that time, unfortunately! I hope to be around when I get home from work, though.

Think you'll have more luck getting a game in if we change it back to the weekend? Last time we weren't getting many games because people were just playing with whoever was on instead of trying to recruit/organize more people from the forum, but I think we've gotten better at that.
It just so happens that recently wednesday's have been awful for me, been working every single one. I think Weekends work alright, if we can all vow to make a time to play together! What if it was just one day this time? Rather than the whole weekend.

And once again I'll be working so sorry Kreegs, I won't be joining :/

Re: TONe Mario Kart 8 League

Posted: 16 Sep 2014 04:29
by Kong Wen
The Shoemaker wrote:I think Weekends work alright, if we can all vow to make a time to play together! What if it was just one day this time? Rather than the whole weekend.
I agree with you that we need to commit to playing at the same time if at all possible instead of just getting one person and cranking all our matches out.

This week will be the last Wednesday for the league before I switch it back to weekends. I won't be back home in time to change it this week. So unfortunately, Merlin is probably going to have to put up with another Wednesday racing against the CPU.

Re: TONe Mario Kart 8 League

Posted: 16 Sep 2014 09:32
by MerlinDrazziw
Getting everyone on at the same time will be impossible even on a weekend day. Midnight races are still not favorable (due to homesituation), so that leaves daytime and evening for me. But looking at the time differences (see worldtimebuddy), that leaves not much choice. 2 or 3 divisions/groups could work, but racing with the whole group would be great.

As for wednesday, the end time of the tournament is at thursday 11:00h CEST. If someone still has races left close to the endtime (not too close), and can/wants to race them .. I can race you (if I don't encounter anyone the evening before).