Re: Favorite Game for every year?
Posted: 04 Dec 2017 14:12
Don't think I can put up a list like this. Will have to recall some favorite games and lookup their release date and maybe replace a title if I liked another one better. Probably will miss some years.
1990 - Super Mario World (SNES)
1991 - Commander Keen 4 (PC)
1992 - Wolfenstein 3D (PC)
1993 - Doom (PC)
1994 - Doom II: Hell on Earth (PC)
1995 - Descent (PC)
1996 - Quake (PC)
1997 - Shadow Warrior (PC)
1998 - Unreal (PC)
1999 - Jet Force Gemini (N64)
That's it for now, will probably change this list when I look for other games.
1990 - Super Mario World (SNES)
1991 - Commander Keen 4 (PC)
1992 - Wolfenstein 3D (PC)
1993 - Doom (PC)
1994 - Doom II: Hell on Earth (PC)
1995 - Descent (PC)
1996 - Quake (PC)
1997 - Shadow Warrior (PC)
1998 - Unreal (PC)
1999 - Jet Force Gemini (N64)
That's it for now, will probably change this list when I look for other games.