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Re: Nintendo Switch

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 03:37
by Jordan
I heard this uses friend codes?

Fucking why?

They've already created a system for Nintendo Network IDs on the 3DS and Wii U.

Re: Nintendo Switch

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 12:56
by Kong Wen
Jordan wrote:I heard this uses friend codes?

Fucking why?

They've already created a system for Nintendo Network IDs on the 3DS and Wii U.

Not only do they have NNID, they recently converted to Nintendo Accounts just before Switch came out. They claim they're going to implement a better system eventually. Nintendo Switch was probably only about 50% finished when it was released, so they probably just lurched to friend codes as an easy, ready-made solution while they continued working on implementing any kind of online functionality whatsoever.

Re: Nintendo Switch

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 14:42
by Kreegs
Kind of like that time all of us had our resumés %50 done when we went in for our interviews...


Re: Nintendo Switch

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 15:01
by Kong Wen
Honestly, it's more like Nintendo recognized that Breath of the Wild was going to be their best chance to sell launch units. If they missed that opportunity to get it out, even with an unfinished console, the system wouldn't have sold nearly as much, and with a weak off-season launch in the middle of a console cycle, Switch would have risked going the way of the Wii U.

Re: Nintendo Switch

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 16:15
by Kreegs
Right. I totally get why they sid it, it just is a tad frustrating that there are these issues. Hopefully they will grt reaolved!

Re: Nintendo Switch

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 17:18
by MerlinDrazziw
Guess the 3DS and Wii U friend lists weren't connected to the new Nintendo account. If I hadn't added KW by using the friendcode, I would've probably been able to add him because of Mario Run. Shoe was added that way, I sent him a friend request without knowing his friendcode.
Anyway, I don't mind the friendcodes.

Re: Nintendo Switch

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 18:14
by Kreegs
Mine just arrived! Setting it up now then lunch. I have an afternoon of Zelda time ahead of me!

Re: Nintendo Switch

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 20:53
by Kreegs
Here it is!


Re: Nintendo Switch

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 22:40
by Kreegs
I am about an hour in and deeply impressed. Downloaded Snipperclips and will be playing with Mrs. K later tonight. The pro controller also just arrived in the mail and is currently charging.

Zelda is breathtaking on the 60 inch screen with surround sound!

Re: Nintendo Switch

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 22:58
by Kong Wen
Savour the moment charging that Pro Controller up while it lasts, because you're not going to have to do it again for a good long time!