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Re: TONe Mario Kart 8 League

Posted: 04 Dec 2014 15:17
by Kreegs
MerlinDrazziw wrote:I'm also ok with going back to 8 races. The sunday races are already a bit on the late side for me and going through 12 races adds about an hour. Still hope to race on a more convenient time with some of the EU participants on saturday or earlier on sunday, but racing against a bunch will always be more fun.
I can always race earlier on Sunday if needed!

Re: TONe Mario Kart 8 League

Posted: 04 Dec 2014 15:40
by The Shoemaker
Speaking of Sunday, if I'm going to race it would have to be at 8:30am or anytime after 8pm. Does Friday or Saturday work for anyone?

Re: TONe Mario Kart 8 League

Posted: 04 Dec 2014 17:06
by MerlinDrazziw
@Shoe: I'm available on saturday. Your morning would be my afternoon. Sunday 8:30am central is 3:30pm my time, works for me. Might even race on friday-evening my time, but don't know who's available at that time (afternoon in central).

@Kreegs: that would be nice, but are others also available?

We can always check the chat for who's available at what time. Don't know at what times Slurm is able to race, last sunday was too early in the morning for Slurm. Getting 3 timezones with big time differences together in a race is not easy.

Re: TONe Mario Kart 8 League

Posted: 04 Dec 2014 18:17
by Kreegs
Saturday is out for me, but if I stay home with my wife tomorrow, I could do Friday during the day for me? 3pm Central?

My best days are always Sundays. I am home all day.

Re: TONe Mario Kart 8 League

Posted: 04 Dec 2014 18:27
by Kong Wen
Kreegs wrote:Saturday is out for me, but if I stay home with my wife tomorrow, I could do Friday during the day for me? 3pm Central?
I probably won't be home from work until 4pm Central on Friday.

Re: TONe Mario Kart 8 League

Posted: 04 Dec 2014 21:46
by Kreegs
Kong Wen wrote:
Kreegs wrote:Saturday is out for me, but if I stay home with my wife tomorrow, I could do Friday during the day for me? 3pm Central?
I probably won't be home from work until 4pm Central on Friday.
4 might work. I have basketball tickets for the game at 6, so with 8 races that might work.

However, that depends if I take tomorrow off to be with my wife. If I go into school then I won't be around tomorrow at all.

Re: TONe Mario Kart 8 League

Posted: 05 Dec 2014 07:09
by The Shoemaker
I'll play whenever's convenient for you guys, I'm fine practically anytime Friday and Saturday.

Re: TONe Mario Kart 8 League

Posted: 05 Dec 2014 18:12
by Kreegs
I am home again today with the patient.

If we were to play today, it would have to be right at 4pm Central, as I need to leave at 4:30 for the basketball game. I would rather do Sunday though.

I am available all day Sunday as well.


Re: TONe Mario Kart 8 League

Posted: 05 Dec 2014 20:16
by The Shoemaker
It's okay if you guys play on Sunday, I can do 4pm today though.

Re: TONe Mario Kart 8 League

Posted: 05 Dec 2014 21:06
by Kreegs
The Shoemaker wrote:It's okay if you guys play on Sunday, I can do 4pm today though.
Still up in the air about when I have to leave today. Dropping the patient off at her dad's so I can go to the game. If we have to stop and fill a prescription I might have to leave earlier.