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Re: Nintendo Switch

Posted: 12 Jan 2017 00:36
by The Shoemaker
So, Switch event is happening in less than 24 hours! Time for final predictions/wishes!

I'm thinking Switch will launch March 17, 2017 for $300 USD. Not sure if we'll see any bundles, but I think it would be smart. I want the price to be $250, but I feel Nintendo will go the $300 route. Any higher would be suicide I think.

My guess is we'll see more info on Zelda, Mario, Mario Kart and Splatoon. I don't think any of these games will end up being holiday games, but Launch through summer-early fall games.

I don't think they'll talk about specs, I think we'll hear about it after the presentation, possibly from Nvida.

I think we'll see whatever Retro has been cooking up, my guess is new IP.

Monster Hunter XX comes out on 3DS on March 18, I would love it if there was a Switch version as well.

Also, Nintendo will be doing a Treehouse presentation the next day where they show off the new games in depth.

Re: Nintendo Switch

Posted: 12 Jan 2017 12:28
by SkyPikachu
Twitch has said that it's okay to re-broadcast the event so I'm gonna stream it :) Should be interesting.

Re: Nintendo Switch

Posted: 13 Jan 2017 15:09
by SkyPikachu
Mario looks cool so does Xenoblade 2 other than that meh. That Zelda teasing the date for so long thing was just annoying and I really have doubts if Nintendo know how to market games properly.

That being said Mario looked so fucking amazing that I'd nearly buy the console just for it (and Zelda ofc but I can play Zelda on my Wii U)

Re: Nintendo Switch

Posted: 13 Jan 2017 15:46
by Kong Wen
Overall quite a disappointing/underwhelming reveal, but I won't write Nintendo off quite yet. The premise of the console and the ways in which it can be supported have some promise, but I still don't see it going toe-to-toe in any meaningful with with the PS4's massive console install (not even considering the Pro and Scorpio models upping the tech game), PC, VR, or even Nintendo's previous handheld success. If anything, it could be one of those "magnificent failure" consoles (which is at least a step up from the "steaming failure" of the Wii U).

As with every Nintendo console, it'll have a few good first-party exclusives, which will make the system worth having for stalwart fans and passionate videogame generalist. I still think third-party support will dry up after the first year or so. It'll be too expensive to develop anything compelling for such a small audience apart from cross-platform ports.

I want to see more of the console's main menu / UI, storefront, and online infrastructure (is it all managed through the app? what's on-board/in-menu?). A couple of things in the reveal bothered me, but they could be cleared up: during discussion of online features, they mentioned inviting friends and party chat with "compatible" games. I'd hope the party-chat wouldn't be tied to specific games. They also mentioned being able to play the free monthly NES/SNES games that come as part of the online subscription for that month. I'd hope those games would be tied to your account so you could play them as long as your subscription is active, not just available for one month at a time. Easy to clarify. We'll see.

Re: Nintendo Switch

Posted: 13 Jan 2017 20:23
by The Shoemaker
I share your concerns as well Kong.

Mario and Zelda both really surprised me, great showings on both fronts. Splatoon 2 looks great as well. They have to keep the first party offerings coming if they want this to take off.

The system looks great, but the prices are a big bummer. I'm definitely biased having to pay Canadian prices, but I gotta think $300 US is pushing it. Not to mention paid online on top of that, and crazy expensive controllers. Also, 1, 2, Switch looks like the perfect pack in, I'm shocked the game doesn't come with, and that the system doesn't come with any games at all.

Re: Nintendo Switch

Posted: 13 Jan 2017 20:30
by Jordan
Man, the reaction here is like the opposite of the reaction I've seen everywhere else. Most people are psyched about this thing and it was dominating Twitter trends (among other things).

There was a lot in that direct that I really liked. A New No More Heroes and new SMT game is pretty hype for me. The new Mario looks pretty rad and they're delivering sequels to Splatoon and Mario Kart, Fire Emblem Warriors, and a new Xenoblade. In terms of new franchises, Arms looked like it could be interesting and Has Been Heroes is right up my alley. Serebii also strongly hinted that there's Pokemon games being developed for it. I'd also probably enjoy Disgaea 5 on the go since I don't have a PS4.

The launch lineup looks fucking terrible to be honest, but it seems like by the end of 2017 it will have some pretty decent exclusive games and a handful of high profile ports.

My biggest disappointment is paid online. Fuck that cancer. Fortunately though I don't really play too many online games anyways and if it's going to be my portable system of choice, I can probably just pay for it on certain months and cancel it the majority of the time.

I see this thing selling a bit less than the 3DS in the longrun, which would still be pretty good. IIRC the 3DS outsold the PS4 just slightly, though has also been out for longer. Overall that's still not bad.

Re: Nintendo Switch

Posted: 13 Jan 2017 20:41
by The Shoemaker
Jordan wrote:Man, the reaction here is like the opposite of the reaction I've seen everywhere else. Most people are psyched about this thing and it was dominating Twitter trends (among other things).

There was a lot in that direct that I really liked. A New No More Heroes and new SMT game is pretty hype for me. The new Mario looks pretty rad and they're delivering sequels to Splatoon and Mario Kart, Fire Emblem Warriors, and a new Xenoblade. In terms of new franchises, Arms looked like it could be interesting and Has Been Heroes is right up my alley. Serebii also strongly hinted that there's Pokemon games being developed for it. I'd also probably enjoy Disgaea 5 on the go since I don't have a PS4.

The launch lineup looks fucking terrible to be honest, but it seems like by the end of 2017 it will have some pretty decent exclusive games and a handful of high profile ports.

My biggest disappointment is paid online. Fuck that cancer. Fortunately though I don't really play too many online games anyways and if it's going to be my portable system of choice, I can probably just pay for it on certain months and cancel it the majority of the time.
ARMS definitely intrigued me, looks like Wii motion done right. Xenoblade 2 was a big surprise actually. I'll be really surprised if it releases outside of Japan this year though.

the 3rd party support they've shown is interesting, because for the most part it's a lot of unique games rather than multiplatform titles, similar to how 3DS did things. So if we can expect a lot of unique core titles from third parties, that would be great. Octopath, SMT, No More Heroes, very promising stuff.

I hope Splatoon has a offline Turf War mode, that would be great for portable play, and make the game a little more worth while if you don't pay for online.

On the positive side, Zelda, Mario, Xenoblade and Splatoon are all promising games from Nintendo, and if these are indicative of the types of games we'll be seeing in the future, I'm happy. Miyamoto even said today that Mario Run is for the casual players, and Mario Odyssey is for the core players. With Nintendo focusing on mobile and console, maybe we'll see them focus more on core experiences for their consoles and casual experiences for mobile.

Re: Nintendo Switch

Posted: 13 Jan 2017 20:44
by Jordan
i forgot about octopath. That looked great too.

From my perspective, if it gets a third party library similar to the DS and 3DS catalogs AND has the Nintendo first party games, it's already a winner for me.

Re: Nintendo Switch

Posted: 14 Jan 2017 05:10
by Kreegs
I am hoping that they release the Joy-Cons in a bunch of colors like they did with N64 controllers. Just think of all the kids that would want to mix and match their perfect color combo!

Note- I clearly do not work for Nintendo, because this idea is way too good.

Re: Nintendo Switch

Posted: 14 Jan 2017 09:50
by The Shoemaker
Kreegs wrote:I am hoping that they release the Joy-Cons in a bunch of colors like they did with N64 controllers. Just think of all the kids that would want to mix and match their perfect color combo!

Note- I clearly do not work for Nintendo, because this idea is way too good.
Or the original concept for the Wii, how they had a rainbow of colors!