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Juicy Beast's (Burrito Bison dev) new game Powerpuff Girls: Monkey Mania

Posted: 06 Sep 2019 20:35
by Kong Wen
This seems ridiculous, and I guess it is! Juicy Beast has released a new Powerpuff Girls game that's basically a clone of their successful Burrito Bison launcher formula: bounce on enemies, see how far you can get, then buy upgrades.
It's free with ads and in-app purchases. Probably the same system as Burrito Bison 2. This is basically Burrito Bison 3, but with licenced characters instead of our bison buddy and gummy foes.

Re: Juicy Beast's (Burrito Bison dev) new game Powerpuff Girls: Monkey Mania

Posted: 07 Sep 2019 00:41
by VictorViper
Oh. Hello.