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Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions

Posted: 01 Sep 2014 18:17
by Kong Wen
The next instalment in the bright vector twin-stick shooter series, Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions, is coming to PS3, PS4, X360, and X1 this fall. It'll have some new features, such as 3D background/arenas (similar to Housemarque's Super Stardust games) and head-to-head multiplayer. It's also bringing back my favourite feature from the Wii & DS versions of the game: a satellite/option that follows you around and shoots your enemies for you. I haven't seen anything that confirms there's a system of upgrades & unlockables in GW3:D, but this is the feature that single-handedly made me enjoy the Wii & DS versions way more than the XBLA ones, so I hope it's back.

The 3D arenas look nuts, and I sure hope there are at least some traditional flat planes, but overall the game is as dazzling and pretty as we've come to hope and expect. I'll be picking this up for sure.

Re: Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions

Posted: 01 Sep 2014 18:26
by TheGreatNads
The multiplayer of this seems like it could be fun.

Otherwise though the footage seems pretty unimpressive to me. The supposed advantages of 3D are not apparent in the footage.

Re: Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions

Posted: 01 Sep 2014 18:38
by Kong Wen
TheGreatNads wrote:The multiplayer of this seems like it could be fun.

Otherwise though the footage seems pretty unimpressive to me. The supposed advantages of 3D are not apparent in the footage.
I didn't get the impression that the game itself is in 3D, just that the battle grids / arenas are stretched over 3D surfaces instead of being flat planes. Maybe that's what you meant, though. If so, I'm not sure there's supposed to be an "advantage", just that the arenas and strategy for approaching enemies will be different.

Re: Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions

Posted: 01 Sep 2014 22:04
by VictorViper
These games haven't been anything less than a riot and a tremendous value for the dollar yet. I'm glad to see Playstation will be getting this - I never got into Super Stardust like I did with Geo Wars.

Re: Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions

Posted: 09 Oct 2014 14:52
by Kong Wen

Re: Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions

Posted: 06 Dec 2014 19:58
by Kong Wen
They just announced at PSX that this game will be coming to Vita in the Spring.