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#BGE2020 - Round 2 - Pool 25

Posted: 19 Jul 2020 02:16
by This Old Neon
Welcome to the second round of #BGE2020 pools!

Each game is randomly seeded into pools using the sequence generator at There's no seeding, no ranking, and no preference or prioritization.

The results of the pools will determine how each game stacks up in the elimination rounds, coming... realistically in early 2021.


Voting is ranked, but it's not super intuitive, so listen up.
  • You have 6 total votes to distribute.
  • You can only select up to 3 options.
  • You can only give each option up to 3 votes.
  • NOTE: The number you pick is not the RANK of your choice (i.e. 1st, 2nd, 3rd), but the number of VOTES you're giving it.
  • The more votes (bigger numbers) a game gets, the better for that game.
  • You could pick three games and order them by giving them 3, 2, and 1 votes.
  • If you like three games equally, you could give them 2, 2, and 2 votes.
  • If you only like two games, you could give them 3 and 3 votes (or 3 and 2, etc.).
This gives you a lot of granularity for how you assign your votes and thereby a lot of influence over which games can do well. Use your power wisely!

If you have questions, ask before voting! :neon:

Re: #BGE2020 - Round 2 - Pool 25

Posted: 19 Jul 2020 02:35
by Kong Wen
Big votes for Final Fantasy XII, my fave game in the modern series.

Re: #BGE2020 - Round 2 - Pool 25

Posted: 19 Jul 2020 02:39
by Sharecrow
I love FFXII even though I had trouble caring about the story. Still a great game. Also threw some votes at a fun shooter in Parodius

Re: #BGE2020 - Round 2 - Pool 25

Posted: 19 Jul 2020 03:31
by SkyPikachu
3 for GTA SA

Probably just nostalgia but it was a fun game to muck around in as a kid

Re: #BGE2020 - Round 2 - Pool 25

Posted: 19 Jul 2020 04:22
by Claytone
3 for my favorite Persona game. Best combination of music, setting, and story, IMO. It improves drastically in terms of mechanics later on, but I'll always love 3.

2 more for the amusing Sexy Parodius. I technically have it on Saturn, but I assume it's the same game.

Finally, I threw 1 at Star Wars Racer Arcade. Never played it, but I watched a youtube video and it looks pretty cool. Loved the console podracer game too. I'll bet the arcade conversion is lots of fun in the same way F-Zero AX is.

Re: #BGE2020 - Round 2 - Pool 25

Posted: 20 Jul 2020 04:38
by evildevil97
I laughed seeing Sexy Parodius on here. Never played it, but I think my amusement of seeing it nominated is worth a joke vote. Beyond that, I threw Xevious a few votes.

Re: #BGE2020 - Round 2 - Pool 25

Posted: 20 Jul 2020 14:32
by Kong Wen
Sexy Parodius is good. I would have voted for it (and Street Fighter) but I had to put all my eggs in Captain Basch's basket.

This poll is really something else. Good results.

Re: #BGE2020 - Round 2 - Pool 25

Posted: 20 Jul 2020 15:21
by SkyPikachu
What exactly is Sexy Parodius? The name sounds like some cheap knock of sexualised game but with everyone supporting it I'm assuming the game has depth.

Re: #BGE2020 - Round 2 - Pool 25

Posted: 20 Jul 2020 15:26
by Kong Wen
SkyPikachu wrote: 20 Jul 2020 15:21 What exactly is Sexy Parodius? The name sounds like some cheap knock of sexualised game but with everyone supporting it I'm assuming the game has depth.
Gradius is a famous and influential OG shoot'em-up series by Konami. They also released their own series of Gradius parody "cute'em-up" games called Parodius. Sexy Parodius is one of them. It's a cute'em-up too, but it also has some lightly erotic enemy/stage designs. Of course since it's made by the Gradius people, it still has legit shmup chops.

Re: #BGE2020 - Round 2 - Pool 25

Posted: 20 Jul 2020 15:30
by Sharecrow
SkyPikachu wrote: 20 Jul 2020 15:21 What exactly is Sexy Parodius? The name sounds like some cheap knock of sexualised game but with everyone supporting it I'm assuming the game has depth.
It is a cute em up. Am surprised at its level of support here, too. Anyway, here’s some gameplay.