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#BGE2020 - Round 2 - Pool 142

Posted: 11 Oct 2020 03:23
by This Old Neon
Welcome to the second round of #BGE2020 pools!

Each game is randomly seeded into pools using the sequence generator at There's no seeding, no ranking, and no preference or prioritization.

The results of the pools will determine how each game stacks up in the elimination rounds, coming... realistically in early 2021.


Voting is ranked, but it's not super intuitive, so listen up.
  • You have 6 total votes to distribute.
  • You can only select up to 3 options.
  • You can only give each option up to 3 votes.
  • NOTE: The number you pick is not the RANK of your choice (i.e. 1st, 2nd, 3rd), but the number of VOTES you're giving it.
  • The more votes (bigger numbers) a game gets, the better for that game.
  • You could pick three games and order them by giving them 3, 2, and 1 votes.
  • If you like three games equally, you could give them 2, 2, and 2 votes.
  • If you only like two games, you could give them 3 and 3 votes (or 3 and 2, etc.).
This gives you a lot of granularity for how you assign your votes and thereby a lot of influence over which games can do well. Use your power wisely!

If you have questions, ask before voting! :neon:

Re: #BGE2020 - Round 2 - Pool 142

Posted: 11 Oct 2020 04:33
by Sharecrow
I gave Spider-Man full votes for being tremendous fun to play and for making it so awesome to be a super hero. Only Arkham Asylum dies this better in my IMHO.

Re: #BGE2020 - Round 2 - Pool 142

Posted: 11 Oct 2020 05:00
by Kong Wen
Split max votes between the excellent but definitely not perfect Spider-Man and the excellent Baldur's Gate.

Re: #BGE2020 - Round 2 - Pool 142

Posted: 11 Oct 2020 11:49
by MerlinDrazziw
Max votes for Tetris DX, seems a lot like the original GB version with some extra's .. never played this version though.
Two votes for Jazz Jackrabbit even though I've only played v2.

Re: #BGE2020 - Round 2 - Pool 142

Posted: 11 Oct 2020 20:47
by Ouenben
Jazz jackrabbit was a fun game. Reminded me of Sonic with guns but in a good way.
Shame they won't remaster the first two games or make a sequel.

Re: #BGE2020 - Round 2 - Pool 142

Posted: 13 Oct 2020 05:02
by Claytone
Full votes once again for classic Mega Man, general consensus be damned. Spider-Man is also good, and I tossed a vote to BG even though I haven't played it yet. I'm sure I'll like it.