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Posted: 20 Jun 2014 06:57
by The Shoemaker
Announced at E3 this year, Amiibo's are figurines based on Nintendo characters that have have in-game functionality similar to games like Skylanders and Disney Infinity. The main difference for Nintendo's line is that on Wii U they are activated right through the GamePad, and are planned to be used across multiple titles unlike the other toys which are only used for their respective titles.

I really like the idea of Amiibo's. I'm not sure how I would feel if Nintendo was just straight copying the other companies but the whole multiple game use concept has me intrigued. It adds a lot of value for the figurine because you know when you buy it there's the possibility that it will be used for games in the future. The first game Amiibo is launching with is Super Smash bros. for Wii U which looks alright functionality wise, but we know the Smash specific figures will be used in Mario Kart 8 and possibly Mario Party 10. I like the idea of using Amiibo's as physical DLC, so long as it's not over done.

I hope that they use the figures for more than just adding characters into a game. One interesting use I think would be using it for the Virtual Console. Like what if the classic Mario figure came with the original Super Mario Bros. on it and you could just download the game by putting the figure on the GamePad. I think this could be a good way for Nintendo to expand their digital market.

Anyways, I think Amiibo's look to be an interesting idea if Nintendo does them right. All I know is I need a figurine of Ike, regardless of what his funtionality is.

Re: Amiibo's

Posted: 20 Jun 2014 09:51
by MerlinDrazziw
I haven't fully read up about amiibos, but they got me interested. Don't know if it will get me to buy Smash Bros., but there's enough time to think about doing so. Any idea if there will be 3rd party amiibos? Sonic & co would be good candidates (Mario & Sonic games).

Re: Amiibo's

Posted: 20 Jun 2014 10:57
by Claytone
The Shoemaker wrote:All I know is I need a figurine of Ike, regardless of what his funtionality is.
Switch that to Captain Falcon, and you've got me.

I'm a little jaded about the Amiibo idea, but I'll wait and see what's in store. I think most of Nintendo's ventures are made with a genuine goal of providing quality entertainment, so we'll see if these accessories really amount to something or end up being a fad. I'll be tuned in.

Re: Amiibo's

Posted: 20 Jun 2014 12:27
by Kong Wen
I won't be buying any little figurine toys just to get some DLC, so I hope whatever content they bundle can also be acquired separately (minus whatever gameplay function they serve, obviously). I remain entirely unconvinced by the gimmick, not just from Nintendo, but from the original amoeba implementers as well (Skylanders & Disney), because it's a clear, cynical marketing tactic to appeal to kids' collectibility-suggestibility.

I look forward to seeing whether they actually evolve to provide a unique and creative gameplay angle above and beyond just the "buy this shiny and get a digital shiny!"

EDIT: Weird mid-post break, but now I'm at work and able to write more. :) So, my personal (insightful) criticism of the product aside, I think it's probably a smart marketing tactic for Nintendo. It should be a way to strengthen their position in the "kids!" market, which has been a weak area for the Wii U so far.

Re: Amiibo's

Posted: 20 Jun 2014 13:05
by A Beta Fu7ure
It is mildly disappointing to see Nintendo ripping off someone else's idea in such a cynical way.

Re: Amiibo's

Posted: 20 Jun 2014 16:27
by The Shoemaker
MerlinDrazziw wrote:I haven't fully read up about amiibos, but they got me interested. Don't know if it will get me to buy Smash Bros., but there's enough time to think about doing so. Any idea if there will be 3rd party amiibos? Sonic & co would be good candidates (Mario & Sonic games).
Nintendo has said that third parties are allowed to make their own Amiibo's, and it seems like all Smash characters are getting their own figurine so Sonic at least will have one.
Kong Wen wrote:I won't be buying any little figurine toys just to get some DLC, so I hope whatever content they bundle can also be acquired separately (minus whatever gameplay function they serve, obviously). I remain entirely unconvinced by the gimmick, not just from Nintendo, but from the original amoeba implementers as well (Skylanders & Disney), because it's a clear, cynical marketing tactic to appeal to kids' collectibility-suggestibility.

I look forward to seeing whether they actually evolve to provide a unique and creative gameplay angle above and beyond just the "buy this shiny and get a digital shiny!"

EDIT: Weird mid-post break, but now I'm at work and able to write more. :) So, my personal (insightful) criticism of the product aside, I think it's probably a smart marketing tactic for Nintendo. It should be a way to strengthen their position in the "kids!" market, which has been a weak area for the Wii U so far.
I want to see it be used for cool features that aren't necessary for the game. Like I don't think the figurines should unlock a game mode but more of an easter egg. Like you use the Sonic figurine in Mario Kart and it turns all the coins to rings. It's a pretty weak example but I think you get my point. If each figurine had many small features I think they would end up being worth it. I also think it's a great kid strategy as well as further promoting their brand and IP's.

Re: Amiibo's

Posted: 20 Jun 2014 17:53
by squishy
From what I've read, in a game like SSB, they don't unlock anything that you can't get normally. What is unique about them, is that when using an amiibo in game as your player you can level up that character and then go to a friend's house and use it there with whatever level you have bumped it up to. Then, that toy could be used in MK8 and it will retain the stats. Not sure how this works exactly but it sounds interesting. Basically, unlike Infinity and Skylanders, the amiibos can learn and store the new information.

Re: Amiibo's

Posted: 20 Jun 2014 21:41
by The Shoemaker
squishy wrote:From what I've read, in a game like SSB, they don't unlock anything that you can't get normally. What is unique about them, is that when using an amiibo in game as your player you can level up that character and then go to a friend's house and use it there with whatever level you have bumped it up to. Then, that toy could be used in MK8 and it will retain the stats. Not sure how this works exactly but it sounds interesting. Basically, unlike Infinity and Skylanders, the amiibos can learn and store the new information.
Yeah they can act sort of like a memory card in that way as well. It's interesting for Smash actually because CPU's only go up to level 9 but you can train these Amiibo's up to level 50. And unlike CPU's they actually change their fighting style and learn from fighting you. I think the whole bringing the figurine over to a friends place will work well with kids.

Re: Amiibo

Posted: 04 Sep 2014 13:23
by Kong Wen
Amoeba should now be available for pre-order on Amazon. Given the functionality and the fact that these toys are likely to unlock in-game goodies, it seems completion obsessives like our good buddy SKTTR are in for an expensive new hoarding hobby.

These things couldn't appeal to me any less as a game supplement, but I'll probably get an Ike figure to stand with my Fire Emblem collection.

Re: Amiibo

Posted: 04 Sep 2014 14:29
by MerlinDrazziw
Not going to collect them, but I think I'll get Samus Aran at least. If I like the extra functionality and have enough games that support Amiibo, I might get Link or DK (or some other not yet shown Amiibo).