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Posted: 12 Oct 2015 20:32
by Jordan
Does anybody here play the MOBA game Smite?

I played during Beta actually, but quit around the time they added Freya. I've started sort of getting back into the game, which is a lot different and a lot better than how I left it.

I noticed in another thread that Kiwi complained that Smite solely sets itself apart from other MOBAs by the third party perspective rather than any unique design decisions. I actually disagree with that just a little bit. Smite definitely takes inspiration from other MOBAs, but I think it does a few unique things compared to others. For example, the changed perspective allows them to differentiate between jumping and dashing gapclosers. This actually makes a huge difference because the game is partially designed around this differentiation. If you're trapped in an Odin spearwall, you're screwed if all you have is a dashing gapcloser, but if you can jump out of it, you might be saved. Alternately, I think one champion has a move which sends jumpers crashing to the ground, but somebody who can dash might be able to get away. I also think that ADCs are a lot different in Smite because they have to manually aim their auto attacks, which means that the game takes a bit more skill since you constantly have to precisely hit every shot. Virtually all skills require aim, in fact, which makes the game a bit more complex than League of Legends imo. Another difference is that magic and physical characters are completely separated in Smite. This wasn't always the case. In Beta, for instance, you could build a physically based Sobek or Ymir if you wanted. As far as I can tell, though, you can't do that anymore. Smite also has some unique CC ideas which are benefited from the changed perspective. Ra has a move which "blinds" you by literally causing the screen to flash white and Bacchus has a move which makes you intoxicated, causing you to be unable to walk in a straight line. Lastly, your final objective in the game is a living thing which fights back against minions, which is different from League's Nexus.

Overall, I feel that Smite is actually very innovative to the genre.

Re: Smite

Posted: 12 Oct 2015 22:12
by Kiwi the Tortoise
It wasn't really a complain ;)
It uses the perspective to set itself apart and the unique elements that you mentioned are largely consquences of it.
Like e.g. the ADC having to aim and basic attacks being dodgable as a consequence wouldn't work out that well in a top-down scenario without turning the controls into something twin-stick shooter-like. Same with the distinction between charge (e.g. Sobek) and leaps (e.g. Fenrir). After all, the game has an additional axis to work with (though, LoL uses a knock up mechanic for some things e.g. Yasuo).

Weirdly Smites main draw for me has always been the Arena mode and the Joust map. Those are really good.
I heard the standard map got a visual overhaul quite recently?
One of it's main problems for me was always to navigate it. You have a minimap, but I still needed to switch on the roadsigns to find my way around. Hope they solved that issue with the addition of a little bit of distinct art-direction/visual clarity.

Otherwise, I didn't really touch it since around the time they added Sylvanus, Janus etc.