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Round 5: Vixen's Bracket

Posted: 13 Oct 2015 17:58
by This Old Neon
Round 5: Vixen's Bracket

You can vote for 1-4 games in this poll. Vote carefully—you can't change your votes after submitting them. The top 4 games at the end of the week will move on to Round 6.

1978 - Space Invaders - Arcade
1989 - SimCity - AST/PC
1992 - Super Mario Kart - SNES
1993 - [Maniac Mansion II:] Day of the Tentacle - PC
2002 - Resident Evil - GCN
2004 - Desert Combat - PC
2008 - Mario Kart Wii - Wii
2012 - Far Cry 3 - Multiplatform
2012 - Pokémon [Black/White] Version 2 - DS
2013 - Papers, Please - PC

You are encouraged to discuss your choices and your reasons for selecting the games you did.

Re: Round 5: Vixen's Bracket

Posted: 13 Oct 2015 18:42
by Kong Wen
Super Mario Kart is probably the best game in the series, and it'll be a shame if I can't vote for it after complaining about its lesser sequels getting so much unwarranted support earlier... but it's in here against some tough competition. Space Invaders and Papers, Please are sure votes. SimCity and Day of the Tentacle are also top-shelf games.

Re: Round 5: Vixen's Bracket

Posted: 13 Oct 2015 21:54
by VictorViper
Day of the Tentacle will likely die here if the last round is any indicator, but I'm casting my vote for it regardless. It's a personal BGE and I'll support it accordingly.

New ones in this bracket, and a couple of true ground-breakers, Sim City and Space Invaders are easy votes. I'm short on time, so I'll leave the pitches to other (inevitable) supporters for the time being. These are no-brainers.

Re: Round 5: Vixen's Bracket

Posted: 14 Oct 2015 02:26
by Humphries90
The REmake is the only one I'll vote for here. THAT is how to remake something. Love the story so much, the characters are great and everything is just so memorable and iconic.

Super Mario Kart is a good time, especially the battle mode. But mechanically I feel it's weak compared to others in the series, so much so I'd say it's the second worst Mario Kart game behind that GBA one (I haven't played Double Dash).

Re: Round 5: Vixen's Bracket

Posted: 14 Oct 2015 12:44
by SkyPikachu
Space Invaders = Instant Classic.
Simcity = I enjoyed mucking around in this after getting the CD from a game convention. I never fully understood it though.
Super Mario Kart = I enjoyed it as a kid. I never owned it but liked playing it was one of the first good fun multiplayer games that had more depth then something like pong.

Re: Round 5: Vixen's Bracket

Posted: 20 Oct 2015 08:58
by Claytone
I'll keep an eye on this one and do whatever is necessary to keep two Mario Karts from advancing from this bracket.

Re: Round 5: Vixen's Bracket

Posted: 20 Oct 2015 15:29
by SkyPikachu
Claytone wrote:I'll keep an eye on this one and do whatever is necessary to keep two Mario Karts from advancing from this bracket.
This kind of stuff needs to stay out of the competition.

Re: Round 5: Vixen's Bracket

Posted: 20 Oct 2015 17:54
by Kong Wen
It doesn't look likely anyway.

Re: Round 5: Vixen's Bracket

Posted: 20 Oct 2015 18:05
by Kong Wen
Space Invaders, SimCity and Maniac Mansion II: Day of the Tentacle will advance to the next round.

A tie-breaker between Super Mario Kart and Papers, Please will be posted soon.

Re: Round 5: Vixen's Bracket

Posted: 27 Oct 2015 03:39
by Ouenben
Good fucking riddance to Mario kart wii! Weakest entry in the series should not have made it this far.