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Top 128: 1/16 - Bracket Prime

Posted: 11 Nov 2015 17:22
by This Old Neon
Welcome to the "BEST GAME EVER!!!" Project Top 128 Brackets!

You can vote for 1-4 games in this bracket. Vote carefully—you can't change your votes after submitting them. The top 4 games at the end of the week will advance to the Top 64.

1 - Metroid Prime - 2002 - GCN
32 - Mario Kart 8 - 2014 - Wii U
33 - Animal Crossing: New Leaf - 2012 - 3DS
64 - Super Mario Sunshine - 2002 - GCN
65 - The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask [3D] - 2000 - N64/3DS
96 - Dragon Warrior - 1986 - NES
97 - The Magic of Scheherazade - 1987 - NES
128 - The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening [DX] - 1993 - GB/GBC

You are encouraged to discuss your choices and your reasons for selecting the games you did.

Re: Top 128: 1/16 - Bracket Prime

Posted: 11 Nov 2015 18:10
by Niahak
Haven't voted yet, but I'm tempted to vote for just Mario Kart 8, since it's the best Kart game since 64 (and I think the best ever, to be honest).

I like Dragon Warrior's legacy but have yet to play the actual game.

Scheherezade I remember liking as an early action-RPG, but although I tracked down a copy I don't have an NES to play it...

Re: Top 128: 1/16 - Bracket Prime

Posted: 11 Nov 2015 19:09
by VictorViper
Top 128 and I'm abstaining. Interesting.

Re: Top 128: 1/16 - Bracket Prime

Posted: 11 Nov 2015 19:23
by Kong Wen
VictorViper wrote:Top 128 and I'm abstaining. Interesting.
It can happen when a game you're not interested in sucks up a high seed and ranks against some lower stuff.

In this bracket, though, I happen to like some of the lower stuff. Dragon Warrior, in particular, is a powerhouse of early video RPGs.

The Magic of Scheherazade is a crazy game. Culture Brain was good at mashing completely different stuff together and somehow coming away with good games. I'm not sure if I'm going to vote for it, but it would be in my top 4 in this bracket.

Re: Top 128: 1/16 - Bracket Prime

Posted: 11 Nov 2015 20:50
by The Shoemaker
Great games here, I couldn't pick Mario Kart 8 though. It's a good game and my play time with it was greatly extended with the forum here, but I still think it's a bit bare bones. Also comes down to me having fantasic experiences with Mario Sunshine, Majora's Mask, Metroid Prime and Animal Crossing New Leaf.

Re: Top 128: 1/16 - Bracket Prime

Posted: 11 Nov 2015 20:59
by Sharecrow
Okay, I wanted to weigh in here on my votes.

Metroid Prime was a gorgeous and engaging entry and, surprisingly due to my age and how much I've played in my life, the first Metroid game I ever played. It's not quite on par with Fusion and it is a totally different take on the gameplay and exploration, but it works oh so well. I know some are put off by the scanning and reading, but that made it even better for me.

For Animal Crossing: New Leaf, I must admit I have not played this game but I know that the variability in Animal Crossing entries is pretty low. They are Animal Crossing games with little tweaks here and there. I only played the original and the DS one. These games have a way of becoming a part of your daily life in a way that few games can. I've mentioned this somewhere before but I'll never forget when I was playing the DS one and I had to work overseas for a few weeks, and was working crazy hours (often more than 100 a week), i couldn't bring myself to change the clock on my town because - well, just because I had flown somewhere doesn't mean my town moved! It made it tough for me to get stuff done but I still tried in my odd spare moments when I wasn't working or asleep. I could seldom get to the shop at all due to the time difference. Good times.

Super Mario Sunshine is the best Mario game I've ever played and the best platformer I've ever played. I scoured this game and loved ever minute of it and getting ever collectible - even the frustrating ones.

Dragon Warrior is one of the weakest games in the series, in my opinion, but still well-loved by me. I played it again a couple years ago or so and still had a blast. I'm sure I've beaten it no less than twenty times.

Re: Top 128: 1/16 - Bracket Prime

Posted: 11 Nov 2015 22:02
by SkyPikachu
Mario Kart 8
The best Mario kart title and my favorite Wii U title it feels amazing and Nintendo did great with it. It's probably noted that this is the first Mario kart game I played more than 5-6 hours of.

New Leaf
This was my first animal crossing game so I have nothing to compare it to but I played this game 3-6 hours a day for a good 3 months straight. I adored this game and I loved my little town.

Re: Top 128: 1/16 - Bracket Prime

Posted: 12 Nov 2015 11:29
by Humphries90
Loads of great games, but I've only sunk enough time into New Leaf (300 damn hours) and Mario Kart 8.

Prime is still on my "to do" list as I have the Prime Trilogy. As is Majora's Mask 3D.

Re: Top 128: 1/16 - Bracket Prime

Posted: 12 Nov 2015 14:38
by Kong Wen
I decided to cast a sole vote for Dragon Warrior. In contrast to Sharecrow, I consider it one of the stronger games in the series. It's stripped down to the essentials. It doesn't have bells & whistles like party mechanics and detailed plotting, but it does have beautiful, colorful sprites, strong music, and a relatively simple "go here do this" quest line that set the stage for the knights & dragons RPG tropes on consoles. Highly influential, both to me personally and to the industry as a whole.

Re: Top 128: 1/16 - Bracket Prime

Posted: 18 Nov 2015 17:48
by Kong Wen
Metroid Prime, Mario Kart 8, and The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening [DX] have secured places in the Top 64.

A tie-breaker between Super Mario Sunshine, The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask [3D], and Dragon Warrior will be posted soon.