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SE5: One-Offs - Round 1 Tie-Breaker, Continued

Posted: 01 Feb 2016 15:12
by This Old Neon
Welcome to the "BEST GAME EVER!!!" Project's fifth Side-Event: One-Offs!

You can vote for 1 game in this tie-breaker. Vote carefully—you can't change your vote after submitting it. The top game at the end of the poll will advance to the next round.

2009 - League of Legends - PC
2012 - Sleeping Dogs - Multiplatform

You are encouraged to discuss your choices and your reasons for selecting the game you did.

Re: SE5: One-Offs - Round 1 Tie-Breaker, Continued

Posted: 01 Feb 2016 22:04
by Jordan
It's best to let sleeping dogs lie.

JK I've never played it. I probably shouldn't vote on this one.

Re: SE5: One-Offs - Round 1 Tie-Breaker, Continued

Posted: 01 Feb 2016 22:56
by Kong Wen
If this whole tie-breaker is just Kiwi's one vote, I'm going to take that as an indication of how well either of these games is going to do in the next round...

Re: SE5: One-Offs - Round 1 Tie-Breaker, Continued

Posted: 02 Feb 2016 17:40
by Kiwi the Tortoise
:lol: My vote matters!

Re: SE5: One-Offs - Round 1 Tie-Breaker, Continued

Posted: 02 Feb 2016 17:47
by Spore
I can't believe this forum lets these decisions which should be democratic get decided with just one person's input. What is this, a dictatorship? Awful.