Bike Rider / Chariso DX series
Posted: 05 Jul 2014 00:38
Here's one of the most craziest jump-and-run games out there! It's very popular in Japan, and it features a stickman biking across the world (or galaxy; if you're playing the new one!), where you make insane jumps from platform to platform, ride/using other equipment, and going at turbo speeds (not to mention avoiding enemies and traps!)
The first Bike Rider DX is on mobile devices (+PS Vita) and Nintendo eShop on 3DS, while Bike Rider DX2: GALAXY is on 3DS right now and maybe on mobile devices in the Japanese store.
The first Bike Rider DX is on mobile devices (+PS Vita) and Nintendo eShop on 3DS, while Bike Rider DX2: GALAXY is on 3DS right now and maybe on mobile devices in the Japanese store.