Trophy Bragging Rights

The home of various "master lists" of This Old Neon members' gaming accomplishments and collections. Achievements and trophies, play time, and lists of collected and completed games go here.
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Re: Trophy Bragging Rights

Post by Sharecrow »

I got a really fun and relatively easy trophy in Uncharted: Golden Abyss. Good times. And my first Vita platinum. It did not take long enough to get a theme song.

Started Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus. After we move, I'll probably go ahead and complete FFX HD.
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Re: Trophy Bragging Rights

Post by Kong Wen »

Heeeeey, I just got my 40th Platinum trophy! Life Is Strange on PS4. It was interesting. Quite easy—all the trophies were collectibles, and your main menu gave you very obvious clues about what they were, and there was a collectible-focused chapter select.

Not sure what my next Plat will be. The next full-size game I'm spending time with is Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIII, but that one'll take eons to plat, because you need to beat every scenario (which is like beating the whole game 6-8 times).
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Re: Trophy Bragging Rights

Post by Sharecrow »

Just got my sixth platinum of 2016 in God of War. Am tempted to beat it in God Mode so I can complete it but want to play something else. Maybe later.

This one was an extremely inefficiently done platinum for me. I kept losing saves and overwriting saves, doing things that didn't count toward it, etc. It took long enough for it to get a theme song :)

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Re: Trophy Bragging Rights

Post by Kong Wen »

Nice work Share! That's a big one!
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Re: Trophy Bragging Rights

Post by Sharecrow »

I got a couple more easy platinums the past couple of weeks. One for Sly 2: Band of Thieves, which I just loved. I'll definitely grab 3 at some point. And another for Uncharted 3. My first PS3 game :)

Not sure what I'll play next - am still deliberating. Also still working on Tales of Xillia.
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Re: Trophy Bragging Rights

Post by VictorViper »

Whoops! Forgot to post my Severed platinum!
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Re: Trophy Bragging Rights

Post by Sharecrow »

Finally I managed to get platinum in Tales of Xillia. This game had Tales game issues, but, after a while it really grew on me. I'm glad I got around to completing it.

Theme song!

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Re: Trophy Bragging Rights

Post by Kong Wen »

Share mentioned something that reminded me of my proud Rogue Legacy platinum. :) It prompted me to go back and look at my various platinum trophies and their rarities, so I could decide which ones to be happiest about.

I currently have 44 platinum trophies, but I'm only including some of them here based on rarity and/or special memories:

--- DATE ------ RARITY - TITLE ------------------------
01. 2014-06-22 - 00.4% - Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 (PS3)
02. 2014-09-24 - 00.7% - Rogue Legacy (PS4)
03. 2013-12-10 - 01.0% - Portal 2 (PS3)
04. 2013-06-16 - 01.1% - White Knight Chronicles (PS3)
05. 2015-07-25 - 01.6% - Destiny (PS4)
06. 2010-08-06 - 02.0% - 3D Dot Game Heroes (PS3)
07. 2014-03-31 - 02.4% - Smart as... (Vita)
08. 2009-12-03 - 02.8% - Fallout 3 (PS3)
09. 2013-11-30 - 02.9% - LEGO MARVEL Super Heroes (PS4)
10. 2013-09-21 - 17.0% - Sound Shapes (Vita)

1. PES 2014 is my rarest Platinum, because tons of people played when it was free then gave up because it sucked.
2. Rogue Legacy is my rarest PS4 Platinum and the one I consider to be an actual achievement.
3. Portal 2 was a fun one, mainly because I played co-op with a friend who was on Steam. Cross-platform ftw!
4. I'm surprised WKC isn't rarer, because it took hundreds of hours of co-op play.
5. Destiny will always be a fave, because it required 5 other people. <3
6. I got the Platinum in 3DDGH before they patched the requirements to make it easier.
7. My rarest Vita Platinum, Smart as..., was another PS+ freebie.
8. Fallout 3 was my first-ever Platinum trophy.
9. Lego Marvel Super Heroes was my first PS4 Platinum.
10. Sound Shapes was my first Vita Platinum.
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Re: Trophy Bragging Rights

Post by Kong Wen »

Oh, PS - it turns out I collected my 4000th trophy today while playing Day of the Tentacle Remastered! :D <3 :neon:
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Re: Trophy Bragging Rights

Post by Sharecrow »

I'm up to 18 platinum trophies. I'll recap some of my favorites or proudest below.

Ico - 2.0% - This one was an incredible amount of fun to do. The time attack, which is the hardest trophy, was barely reasonable but it was reasonable. Finding and doing everything to get platinum was pleasant as it submerged me in one of my favorite games.

Dead Space - 3.9% - This is one of the best games I've ever played so playing the hell out of it to meet the requirements for platinum was lots of fun. The hardest mode was quite challenging and made those handful of parts of the game that are always stressful no matter how prepared you are that much more so.

Assassin's Creed III - 0.5% - This was my first Assassin's Creed platinum and, although I've gotten a few more since then, this one is also the hardest to get. I just adored the setting and the game and even went back to buy the DLC which I am going to play soon now that I beat 1 and 2.

Shadow of the Colossus - 0.7% - This one was much, much harder than I expected it to be. One of the challenges remains one of the toughest things I've ever successfully accomplished in any game ever. Great game though and surprisingly deep considering what it appears to be when you first play it.

Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time - 4.8% - this was an easy platinum but I really enjoyed the game and got so familiar with it that I could almost play like I was tool assisted sometimes. Got me started on the Prince of Persia games again, too.

Tales of Xillia - 3.0% - This one took an incredible time commitment for me due largely to my inefficient play style and my tendency to miss miss-able trophies. I got it though and, on the way, this game grew on me quite a bit. It went from being a meh Tales game to my being quite fond of it.
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