New Member Introduction Thread

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Re: New Member Introduction Thread

Post by Turai »

Turai here, like everyone else, also migrated from VCF.

I'm from Sweden and while I have been primary a Sony user most of my life, I have slowly migrated towards PC gaming these last few years.
As for genres, my favourite used to be JRPGs but it has slowly shifted towards more arcady games that I can play in short bursts.

I think the two things you can count on from me is too much My Little Pony and naughty things.
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Re: New Member Introduction Thread

Post by evildevil97 »

Another migrant here. I'm evildevil, though my real name is "Jim". But online handles are easier to remember. I'm a Nintendo and Sony guy. Still haven't picked up a PS4, but when it's library expands enough (or it gets its first price cut), I'll be there. Kudos on the new place here. Looking forward to seeing it grow.
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Re: New Member Introduction Thread

Post by Claytone »

A Beta Fu7ure wrote:Then I was a "staff", which I think is a kind of stick. Then I wasn't a staff anymore. Nobody ever told me why.
L-O-L that last bit happened to me exactly. What an amusing website. Glad there's someone with whom I have this in common.
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Re: New Member Introduction Thread

Post by slangman »

Hey, all. Another migrant from VC-F here. Still the same username as on there.I play videogames primarily on Nintendo systems and also heavly into the retro gaming scene. Been playing video games since I was 9-10 years, and haven't looked back since. I enjoy the majority of genres, but my favorite genres are RPGs, shmups, fighters, as well as action-adventure games.

Congratulations on the new forum, and really looking foward to see this community grow, as well as seeing more familiar faces. :)
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Re: New Member Introduction Thread

Post by pdSlooper »

I'm pdSlooper (formerly pdRydia). A Slooper is a Slowpoke/Wooper hybrid, as seen in my avatar. This is important, vital information. It will be on the test.

I've been gaming since the Atari 2600. I'm a generation behind on consoles, and don't plan to catch up until I slim down on my backlog of games. Since most of my backlog is for Nintendo handhelds, that's where I do most my gaming these days. I'm open to most kinds of games, but my favorite genres are platforming, jRPGs, and puzzlers; I tend to stay away from racing and sport games.
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KawaiiPikachu's Epic Intro

Post by kawaiipikachu »

Hello I'm KawaiiPikachu here & I'm also another VC-F Refugee here.

Just at first the VC-F looked like heaven, looked like paradise.
For many years it was home.
Then the the AlMighty DivineOmega turned his back on us, Abandoned us & left the Land of the Virtual Console Forums to decay to these deadly crashes & the evil Spam-Bots.

For a while we lived if fear.

Now with this new land we can start fresh, we can start anew.
No need to live in fear, no need to live in disrepair.
with in the the newfoundland of "This Old Neon" we can rebuild our lives, our homes & our democracy.

Well anyway I like games & own plenty of Nintendo Consoles, plus also some Playstation systems & a terrible PC.
Plus also I like Ponies & Anime.
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Re: New Member Introduction Thread

Post by neuzd »

I am His Grumpiness neuzd, the eternal ememy. Son of Pong, brother of Samus, always among the firsts, cold-hearted and humanity intolerant.
I am from Mars and I live on Venus.
I will survive all of you.
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Re: New Member Introduction Thread

Post by squishy »

Another immigrant from vc-f...I'm Squishy although I went by Hayes1516 back there. Mostly a Nintendo gamer, although I do have a PS2 and iOS that i use for gaming as well. Big movie fan as well. I used to write for the Video Movie Guide before its untimely demise.
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Re: New Member Introduction Thread

Post by link64 »

I'm also from VC-F like most people here.

Same user name as well.
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Re: New Member Introduction Thread

Post by Sinnthro »

Hey everybody, I'm Sinnthro, AKA the artist formerly known as Tides of Chaos from VC-F. You can still call me Tides if you want, I'm not particularly picky on names.

My legacy of gaming basically looks like a downward trending graph of play-time versus age.Typically I read about and buy more video games than I actually play. Still, I try my best to set aside time to play a few core game series. Some examples would be Ace Attorney, Pokémon, Animal Crossing, Legend of Zelda, and Mario Kart. I'm a Nintendo fan-boy at heart and own just about every Nintendo system from the Nintendo 64 and Game Boy Color onwards. You can also find me on Steam under the same name as here, where I usually am playing Killing Floor with my friends, if anything.

It's good to see all the old VC-Fers again, and hopefully I'll get to meet many new members as well.
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