What are you reading?

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Re: What are you reading?

Post by Sharecrow »

I just finished The Tyrant’s Law by Daniel Abraham. Book 3 of 5 in the Dagger and Coin series. I enjoyed it quite a bit. I’ve become fond of the characters. I’ll wait a bit before buying and starting book 4, though, to mix up my reading some.

I’m reading Dracula as well as Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy as well.

1. Castle of Wizardry by David Eddings
2. Two Towers by J.R.R. Tolkien
3. Enchanter’s End Game by David Eddings
4. The Way of All Flesh by Samuel Butler
5. Candide by Francois Marie Arouet de Voltaire
6. Understanding Iran by William R. Polk
7. The Future of Humanity by Michio Kaku
8. The Return of the King by J.R.R.Tolkien
9. Choosing Death by Albert Mudrian
10. The Republic by Plato
11. The Notebook by José Saramago
12. The Tyrant’s Law by Daniel Abraham
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Re: What are you reading?

Post by Sharecrow »

I’ve just finished ‘A Mother’s Reckoning,’ which is about Columbine from the perspective of the mother of one of the shooters. It was a worthy book and haunting too. But candid and constructive as well. Worth reading - especially for parents. Imma start Starship Troopers next. My first read of it and long overdue.

I’m still reading Dracula as well as Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy as well.

1. Castle of Wizardry by David Eddings
2. Two Towers by J.R.R. Tolkien
3. Enchanter’s End Game by David Eddings
4. The Way of All Flesh by Samuel Butler
5. Candide by Francois Marie Arouet de Voltaire
6. Understanding Iran by William R. Polk
7. The Future of Humanity by Michio Kaku
8. The Return of the King by J.R.R.Tolkien
9. Choosing Death by Albert Mudrian
10. The Republic by Plato
11. The Notebook by José Saramago
12. The Tyrant’s Law by Daniel Abraham
13. A Mother’s Reckoning: Living in the Aftermath of Tragedy by Sue Klebold
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Re: What are you reading?

Post by Sharecrow »

I just finished Robert Heinlein’s Starship Troopers after only a few days. It was good stuff. I think I’ll watch the movie again just for giggles. I think I’ll start Lolita next.
I’m still reading Dracula as well as Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy as well.

1. Castle of Wizardry by David Eddings
2. Two Towers by J.R.R. Tolkien
3. Enchanter’s End Game by David Eddings
4. The Way of All Flesh by Samuel Butler
5. Candide by Francois Marie Arouet de Voltaire
6. Understanding Iran by William R. Polk
7. The Future of Humanity by Michio Kaku
8. The Return of the King by J.R.R.Tolkien
9. Choosing Death by Albert Mudrian
10. The Republic by Plato
11. The Notebook by José Saramago
12. The Tyrant’s Law by Daniel Abraham
13. A Mother’s Reckoning: Living in the Aftermath of Tragedy by Sue Klebold
14. Starship Troopers by Robert Heinlein
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Re: What are you reading?

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I finished a couple more books - both re-reads and both enjoyed. Beam Stoker’s Dracula and George Orwell’s Animal Farm. I didn’t care for Dracula much the first time I read it but I liked it quite a bit this time. I was super-young when I first read Animal Farm and had liked it okay then. Glad I re-read it, too, as it is pretty neat.

1. Castle of Wizardry by David Eddings
2. Two Towers by J.R.R. Tolkien
3. Enchanter’s End Game by David Eddings
4. The Way of All Flesh by Samuel Butler
5. Candide by Francois Marie Arouet de Voltaire
6. Understanding Iran by William R. Polk
7. The Future of Humanity by Michio Kaku
8. The Return of the King by J.R.R.Tolkien
9. Choosing Death by Albert Mudrian
10. The Republic by Plato
11. The Notebook by José Saramago
12. The Tyrant’s Law by Daniel Abraham
13. A Mother’s Reckoning: Living in the Aftermath of Tragedy by Sue Klebold
14. Starship Troopers by Robert Heinlein
15. Dracula by Bram Stoker
16. Animal Farm by George Orwell
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Re: What are you reading?

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I finished a couple more books for my first time. First was John le Carré’s Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, which was a slow burn but I ended up liking it quite a bit. I’m not sure if I’ll read the rest of the trilogy or not. I also read another Boss Fights Books book called Galaga, by Michael Kimball. It was really good and I liked it a lot. Wasn’t sure what to expect for a book on a game like this but it was insightful and even a bit moving.

1. Castle of Wizardry by David Eddings
2. Two Towers by J.R.R. Tolkien
3. Enchanter’s End Game by David Eddings
4. The Way of All Flesh by Samuel Butler
5. Candide by Francois Marie Arouet de Voltaire
6. Understanding Iran by William R. Polk
7. The Future of Humanity by Michio Kaku
8. The Return of the King by J.R.R.Tolkien
9. Choosing Death by Albert Mudrian
10. The Republic by Plato
11. The Notebook by José Saramago
12. The Tyrant’s Law by Daniel Abraham
13. A Mother’s Reckoning: Living in the Aftermath of Tragedy by Sue Klebold
14. Starship Troopers by Robert Heinlein
15. Dracula by Bram Stoker
16. Animal Farm by George Orwell
17. Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy by John le Carré
18. Galaga by Michael Kimball
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Re: What are you reading?

Post by Sharecrow »

I just finished Mustaine by David Mustaine with Joe Layden. I enjoyed the heck out of it. Highly recommended for anyone who likes thrash metal. I think I’ll do a Stephen King book next...

1. Castle of Wizardry by David Eddings
2. Two Towers by J.R.R. Tolkien
3. Enchanter’s End Game by David Eddings
4. The Way of All Flesh by Samuel Butler
5. Candide by Francois Marie Arouet de Voltaire
6. Understanding Iran by William R. Polk
7. The Future of Humanity by Michio Kaku
8. The Return of the King by J.R.R.Tolkien
9. Choosing Death by Albert Mudrian
10. The Republic by Plato
11. The Notebook by José Saramago
12. The Tyrant’s Law by Daniel Abraham
13. A Mother’s Reckoning: Living in the Aftermath of Tragedy by Sue Klebold
14. Starship Troopers by Robert Heinlein
15. Dracula by Bram Stoker
16. Animal Farm by George Orwell
17. Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy by John le Carré
18. Galaga by Michael Kimball
19. Mustaine by Dave Mustaine with Joe Layden
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Re: What are you reading?

Post by Sharecrow »

I finished the first of four books in my Sherlock Holmes compilation: A Study in Scarlet. It was very good! I loved it - simply lived it. The Sign of the Four is next in the compilation. Good times. I don’t think I’ve read it before.

Still reading Stephen King, Daniel Abraham, and Vladamir Nabokov.
1. Castle of Wizardry by David Eddings
2. Two Towers by J.R.R. Tolkien
3. Enchanter’s End Game by David Eddings
4. The Way of All Flesh by Samuel Butler
5. Candide by Francois Marie Arouet de Voltaire
6. Understanding Iran by William R. Polk
7. The Future of Humanity by Michio Kaku
8. The Return of the King by J.R.R.Tolkien
9. Choosing Death by Albert Mudrian
10. The Republic by Plato
11. The Notebook by José Saramago
12. The Tyrant’s Law by Daniel Abraham
13. A Mother’s Reckoning: Living in the Aftermath of Tragedy by Sue Klebold
14. Starship Troopers by Robert Heinlein
15. Dracula by Bram Stoker
16. Animal Farm by George Orwell
17. Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy by John le Carré
18. Galaga by Michael Kimball
19. Mustaine by Dave Mustaine with Joe Layden
20. A Study in Scarlet by Arthur Conan Doyle
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Re: What are you reading?

Post by Kong Wen »

01. 08-04 Who Fears Death (2010), Nnedi Okorafor (Nigerian-American)

Really, 2020? This is the first book I've finished? How dare you. It's a good one with a couple of minor pacing issues. Onward.
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Re: What are you reading?

Post by Sharecrow »

Knocked out The Widow’s House by Daniel Abraham, book 4 of 5 of the Dagger and Coin series. It’s good but getting better. Am looking forward to the conclusion. I want to know what happens to these folks.

Still reading Stephen King and Vladamir Nabokov.

1. Castle of Wizardry by David Eddings
2. Two Towers by J.R.R. Tolkien
3. Enchanter’s End Game by David Eddings
4. The Way of All Flesh by Samuel Butler
5. Candide by Francois Marie Arouet de Voltaire
6. Understanding Iran by William R. Polk
7. The Future of Humanity by Michio Kaku
8. The Return of the King by J.R.R.Tolkien
9. Choosing Death by Albert Mudrian
10. The Republic by Plato
11. The Notebook by José Saramago
12. The Tyrant’s Law by Daniel Abraham
13. A Mother’s Reckoning: Living in the Aftermath of Tragedy by Sue Klebold
14. Starship Troopers by Robert Heinlein
15. Dracula by Bram Stoker
16. Animal Farm by George Orwell
17. Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy by John le Carré
18. Galaga by Michael Kimball
19. Mustaine by Dave Mustaine with Joe Layden
20. A Study in Scarlet by Arthur Conan Doyle
21. The Widow’s House by Daniel Abraham
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Re: What are you reading?

Post by Sharecrow »

Finished two books today apparently, the second being The Sign of the Four by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. And like that I’m two books shy of meeting my goal for 2020. Really liked this Sherlock Holmes book but not as much as the last one. Good times.
Still reading Stephen King and Vladamir Nabokov. I’m starting the next Arthur Conan Doyle and Daniel Abraham books too.

1. Castle of Wizardry by David Eddings
2. Two Towers by J.R.R. Tolkien
3. Enchanter’s End Game by David Eddings
4. The Way of All Flesh by Samuel Butler
5. Candide by Francois Marie Arouet de Voltaire
6. Understanding Iran by William R. Polk
7. The Future of Humanity by Michio Kaku
8. The Return of the King by J.R.R.Tolkien
9. Choosing Death by Albert Mudrian
10. The Republic by Plato
11. The Notebook by José Saramago
12. The Tyrant’s Law by Daniel Abraham
13. A Mother’s Reckoning: Living in the Aftermath of Tragedy by Sue Klebold
14. Starship Troopers by Robert Heinlein
15. Dracula by Bram Stoker
16. Animal Farm by George Orwell
17. Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy by John le Carré
18. Galaga by Michael Kimball
19. Mustaine by Dave Mustaine with Joe Layden
20. A Study in Scarlet by Arthur Conan Doyle
21. The Widow’s House by Daniel Abraham
22. The Sign of the Four by Arthur Conan Doyle
No more nightmares, I’ve seen them all. From the day I was born, they’ve haunted my every move.
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