Sony discussion, including PS3, PS4, Vita, PS VR, PlayStation Network, PlayStation Mobile, PlayStation Plus, PlayStation Now, PlayStation TV, and Trophies.
It's not 100% accurate and you can only access it in a kind of roundabout way, but Sony finally has a console that keeps track of your play times. On the PS5, go into your Profile, then the Games tab, and the games listed there (for both PS4 and PS5) will show hours played beneath your trophy data.
So far I've only included games that have clocked 20 hours or more. I also haven't gone back to my archives to incorporate my PS3 file times, but I could... I have them in a sheet somewhere and they won't have changed dramatically.
Friday, 4 February, 2022:
[00] - 6590 - Destiny
[00] - 593 - Monster Hunter: World
[00] - 371 - Destiny 2
[00] - 99 - Final Fantasy VII Remake
[00] - 72 - Bloodborne
[00] - 59 - Marvel's Spider-Man
[00] - 58 - Hollow Knight
[00] - 58 - Rogue Legacy
[00] - 50 - Rocket League
[00] - 49 - Lego Marvel Super Heroes
[00] - 47 - God of War
[00] - 41 - Beat Saber
[00] - 40 - The Talos Principle
[00] - 36 - Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
[00] - 33 - N++
[00] - 31 - I am Setsuna.
[00] - 23 - Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition
[00] - 22 - Guacamelee! 2
[00] - 22 - No Man's Sky
[00] - 21 - Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age
[00] - 21 - Dark Souls III
[00] - 20 - Hades
Total Games: 22 Total Time: LOL New Addition: Everything (list debut) New Removal: N/A
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It's awe-inspiring and perhaps terrifying that I've played more Destiny than every other game in my list and every game in Share's list combined.
• TONe's Discord server is a laid-back place to chill & chat
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Kong Wen wrote: ↑05 Feb 2022 05:21
It's awe-inspiring and perhaps terrifying that I've played more Destiny than every other game in my list and every game in Share's list combined.
LOL this quote/stat still cracks me up. Let's see if I can make an update:
Saturday, 21 January, 2023:
[01] - 6590 - Destiny
[02] - 593 - Monster Hunter: World
[03] - 371 - Destiny 2
[00] - 216 - Final Fantasy XIV Online
[04] - 99 - Final Fantasy VII Remake
[05] - 72 - Bloodborne
[06] - 59 - Marvel's Spider-Man
[07] - 58 - Hollow Knight
[08] - 58 - Rogue Legacy
[09] - 50 - Rocket League
[10] - 49 - Lego Marvel Super Heroes
[11] - 47 - God of War
[12] - 42 - Beat Saber
[13] - 40 - The Talos Principle
[14] - 36 - Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
[00] - 35 - Tactics Ogre: Reborn
[15] - 33 - N++
[16] - 31 - I am Setsuna.
[17] - 23 - Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition
[18] - 22 - Guacamelee! 2
[19] - 22 - No Man's Sky
[22] - 22 - Hades
[20] - 21 - Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age
[21] - 21 - Dark Souls III
Total Games: 24 Total Time: LOL New Addition:Final Fantasy XIV Online, Tactics Ogre: Reborn New Removal: N/A
• TONe's Discord server is a laid-back place to chill & chat
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Alright, I said I was going to do this a year ago, and I finally got around to doing it today, so rather than edit yesterday's post, since there will be dramatic changes, I'll make a new one, this time including whatever I could salvage from my old PS3 save data records. This leaves me debating my cutoff now. If I stop at top 20, I'll have to go over 50 hours for a game to crack into the list. I think I'll just continue including everything with over 20 hours for now and deal with a long list.
Sunday, 22 January, 2023:
[01] - 6590 - Destiny (PS4)
[02] - 593 - Monster Hunter: World (PS4)
[00] - 386 - White Knight Chronicles (PS3)
[03] - 371 - Destiny 2 (PS4)
[04] - 216 - Final Fantasy XIV Online (PS5)
[00] - 140 - Dark Souls (PS3)
[00] - 124 - Final Fantasy XIII (PS3)
[00] - 123 - Fallout 3 (PS3)
[00] - 116 - Dark Souls II (PS3)
[00] - 99 - Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch (PS3)
[05] - 99 - Final Fantasy VII Remake (PS5)
[06] - 72 - Bloodborne (PS4)
[00] - 67 - Final Fantasy XIII-2 (PS3)
[00] - 66 - Demon's Souls (PS3)
[00] - 62 - 3D Dot Game Heroes (PS3)
[07] - 59 - Marvel's Spider-Man (PS5)
[00] - 58 - Saints Row IV (PS3)
[08] - 58 - Hollow Knight (PS4)
[09] - 58 - Rogue Legacy (PS4)
[00] - 52 - Saints Row: The Third (PS3)
[10] - 50 - Rocket League (PS4)
[11] - 49 - Lego Marvel Super Heroes (PS4)
[12] - 47 - God of War (PS4)
[13] - 42 - Beat Saber (PS4)
[14] - 40 - The Talos Principle (PS4)
[15] - 36 - Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night (PS4)
[16] - 35 - Tactics Ogre: Reborn (PS5)
[00] - 33 - Dynasty Warriors 8 (PS3)
[17] - 33 - N++ (PS4)
[18] - 31 - I am Setsuna. (PS4)
[00] - 29 - Dragon's Crown (PS3)
[00] - 29 - Darksiders (PS3)
[00] - 26 - LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game (PS3)
[19] - 23 - Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition (PS4)
[20] - 22 - Guacamelee! 2 (PS4)
[21] - 22 - No Man's Sky (PS4)
[22] - 22 - Hades (PS5)
[23] - 21 - Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age (PS4)
[24] - 21 - Dark Souls III (PS4)
Total Games: 39 Total Time: LOL New Addition:White Knight Chronicles, Dark Souls, Final Fantasy XIII, Fallout 3, Dark Souls II, Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Demon's Souls, 3D Dot Game Heroes, Saints Row IV, Saints Row: The Third, Dynasty Warriors 8, Dragon's Crown, Darksiders, LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game New Removal: N/A
• TONe's Discord server is a laid-back place to chill & chat
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I'm starting to get a potentially unhealthy urge to hook up my PS1 and PS2, pop their memory cards in, and start harvesting data for the older machines...
• TONe's Discord server is a laid-back place to chill & chat
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Hahaha, I actually did it! I got my PS2 setup, and one of my two 8MB memory cards is still working. Thankfully, it's the one with my valuable save games on it. Only one of them reveals what my play time was, unless I can load into a game directly and see more from there... which I will absolutely try.
Next I popped in my PS1 cards and made a startling but not surprising discovery... My favourite game of all time had multiple saves from my many challenge runs as well as my 100+ hour main save file, which sees Final Fantasy Tactics crash into this list in 3rd place overall!!
Thursday, 18 May, 2023:
[01] - 6595 - Destiny (PS4)
[02] - 593 - Monster Hunter: World (PS4)
[00] - 434 - Final Fantasy Tactics (PS1)
[03] - 386 - White Knight Chronicles (PS3)
[04] - 371 - Destiny 2 (PS4)
[05] - 240 - Final Fantasy XIV Online (PS5)
[00] - 211 - Final Fantasy XII (PS2)
[06] - 140 - Dark Souls (PS3)
[07] - 124 - Final Fantasy XIII (PS3)
[08] - 123 - Fallout 3 (PS3)
[09] - 116 - Dark Souls II (PS3)
[10] - 99 - Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch (PS3)
[11] - 99 - Final Fantasy VII Remake (PS5)
[12] - 72 - Bloodborne (PS4)
[13] - 67 - Final Fantasy XIII-2 (PS3)
[14] - 66 - Demon's Souls (PS3)
[15] - 62 - 3D Dot Game Heroes (PS3)
[16] - 59 - Marvel's Spider-Man (PS5)
[17] - 58 - Saints Row IV (PS3)
[18] - 58 - Hollow Knight (PS4)
[19] - 58 - Rogue Legacy (PS4)
[27] - 55 - Tactics Ogre: Reborn (PS5)
[20] - 52 - Saints Row: The Third (PS3)
[21] - 50 - Rocket League (PS4)
[22] - 49 - Lego Marvel Super Heroes (PS4)
[23] - 47 - God of War (PS4)
[24] - 42 - Beat Saber (PS4)
[25] - 40 - The Talos Principle (PS4)
[00] - 38 - Final Fantasy (PS1)
[26] - 36 - Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night (PS4)
[28] - 33 - Dynasty Warriors 8 (PS3)
[29] - 33 - N++ (PS4)
[30] - 31 - I am Setsuna. (PS4)
[00] - 30 - Chrono Trigger (PS1)
[31] - 29 - Dragon's Crown (PS3)
[32] - 29 - Darksiders (PS3)
[33] - 26 - LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game (PS3)
[34] - 23 - Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition (PS4)
[35] - 22 - Guacamelee! 2 (PS4)
[36] - 22 - No Man's Sky (PS4)
[37] - 22 - Hades (PS5)
[38] - 21 - Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age (PS4)
[39] - 21 - Dark Souls III (PS4)
Total Games: 43 Total Time: LOL New Addition:Chrono Trigger (PS1), Final Fantasy (PS1), Final Fantasy XII (PS2), Final Fantasy Tactics (PS1) New Removal: N/A
• TONe's Discord server is a laid-back place to chill & chat
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I figured completing another epic Final Fantasy game 100% (twice), and getting the platinum trophy, and nudging it into the top 10 would be a good enough occasion to update this chart.
Thursday, 7 September, 2023:
[01] - 6595 - Destiny (PS4)
[02] - 593 - Monster Hunter: World (PS4)
[03] - 434 - Final Fantasy Tactics (PS1)
[04] - 386 - White Knight Chronicles (PS3)
[05] - 371 - Destiny 2 (PS4)
[06] - 250 - Final Fantasy XIV Online (PS5)
[07] - 211 - Final Fantasy XII (PS2)
[00] - 148 - Final Fantasy XVI (PS5)
[08] - 140 - Dark Souls (PS3)
[09] - 124 - Final Fantasy XIII (PS3)
[10] - 123 - Fallout 3 (PS3)
[11] - 116 - Dark Souls II (PS3)
[12] - 99 - Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch (PS3)
[13] - 99 - Final Fantasy VII Remake (PS5)
[14] - 72 - Bloodborne (PS4)
[15] - 67 - Final Fantasy XIII-2 (PS3)
[16] - 66 - Demon's Souls (PS3)
[17] - 62 - 3D Dot Game Heroes (PS3)
[18] - 59 - Marvel's Spider-Man (PS5)
[19] - 58 - Saints Row IV (PS3)
[20] - 58 - Hollow Knight (PS4)
[21] - 58 - Rogue Legacy (PS4)
[22] - 55 - Tactics Ogre: Reborn (PS5)
[23] - 52 - Saints Row: The Third (PS3)
[24] - 50 - Rocket League (PS4)
[25] - 49 - Lego Marvel Super Heroes (PS4)
[26] - 47 - God of War (PS4)
[27] - 42 - Beat Saber (PS4)
[28] - 40 - The Talos Principle (PS4)
[29] - 38 - Final Fantasy (PS1)
[30] - 36 - Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night (PS4)
[31] - 33 - Dynasty Warriors 8 (PS3)
[32] - 33 - N++ (PS4)
[33] - 31 - I am Setsuna. (PS4)
[34] - 30 - Chrono Trigger (PS1)
[35] - 29 - Dragon's Crown (PS3)
[36] - 29 - Darksiders (PS3)
[37] - 26 - LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game (PS3)
[38] - 23 - Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition (PS4)
[39] - 22 - Guacamelee! 2 (PS4)
[40] - 22 - No Man's Sky (PS4)
[41] - 22 - Hades (PS5)
[42] - 21 - Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age (PS4)
[43] - 21 - Dark Souls III (PS4)
Total Games: 44 Total Time: LOL New Addition:Final Fantasy XVI (PS5) New Removal: N/A
• TONe's Discord server is a laid-back place to chill & chat
• Please subscribe to help my Langrisser channel on YouTube!
• Follow me on Twitch to get a notification when I'm streaming