Round 1: G is for Goat Simulator, which wasn't nominated

Archive of nominations, event polls, side-events, discussion threads, and results from the 2015-16 "BEST GAME EVER!!!" Project.
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What game should be allowed to rise above its lowly status to frolic in the next round?

Poll ended at 19 Sep 2015 20:14

1989 - Herzog Zwei - Genesis/MD
1994 - SimTower: The Vertical Empire - PC
1995 - Light Crusader - Genesis/MD
1995 - The Dig - PC
1998 - Trap Gunner [Countdown to Oblivion] - PS1
2002 - Serious Sam: The Second Encounter - PC
2004 - Garry’s Mod - PC
2009 - Demons Souls - PS3
2010 - Golden Sun: Dark Dawn - DS
2014 - DeadCore - PC
Total votes: 34

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Round 1: G is for Goat Simulator, which wasn't nominated

Post by This Old Neon »

Round 1: G is for Goat Simulator, which wasn't nominated

You can vote for 0-9 games in this poll. Pick as many or as few as you like, but vote carefully—you can't change your votes after submitting them. The #1 ranked game at the end of the week will move on to Round 2.

1989 - Herzog Zwei - Genesis/MD
1994 - SimTower: The Vertical Empire - PC
1995 - Light Crusader - Genesis/MD
1995 - The Dig - PC
1998 - Trap Gunner [Countdown to Oblivion] - PS1
2002 - Serious Sam: The Second Encounter - PC
2004 - Garry’s Mod - PC
2009 - Demons Souls - PS3
2010 - Golden Sun: Dark Dawn - DS
2014 - DeadCore - PC

You are encouraged to discuss your choices and your reasons for selecting the games you did.
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Re: Round 1: G is for Goat Simulator, which wasn't nominated

Post by Kong Wen »

This is another easy one for me. I played through (and got the Platinum trophy in) Demon's Souls before Dark Souls (which pretty much became the toast of the industry for re-invigorating this kind of fair but unforgiving action template) had even seen the light of day.

Demon's Souls is terrifying, and it's all atmosphere. There aren't any significant jump scares that I can remember. The world is just envisioned and designed so well that it accomplishes its desired effect. I actually had to stop playing after the first level when I originally attempted to beat the game, because it frayed my nerves. When I finally got back to it, I learned how to be patient, take my time in combat, not expose myself, find safe places to hide & rest, and before too long I felt like I was beginning to master the skills necessary to truly overcome a previously insurmountable adversity.

I also love the NPCs. Especially the Maiden in Black, my bff. Everyone and everything in that game is just so creepy.

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Re: Round 1: G is for Goat Simulator, which wasn't nominated

Post by The Shoemaker »

Light Crusader all the way. The music in that game was awesome.
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Re: Round 1: G is for Goat Simulator, which wasn't nominated

Post by Drauks »

Serious Sam, no doubt.
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Re: Round 1: G is for Goat Simulator, which wasn't nominated

Post by Humphries90 »

None for me in this list.
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Re: Round 1: G is for Goat Simulator, which wasn't nominated

Post by Spore »

Humphries90 wrote:None for me in this list.
How's about Serious Sam, just for kicks and giggles?
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Re: Round 1: G is for Goat Simulator, which wasn't nominated

Post by VictorViper »

Demon's Souls deserves a vote, but I honestly kind of hate the game. That leaves Herzog Zwei as my choice. A great achievement from Technosoft, and a game I'd love to see rebooted with modern AI scripting.
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Re: Round 1: G is for Goat Simulator, which wasn't nominated

Post by Sharecrow »

Am saddened by the lack of Golden Sun love despite its being expected. I gave it a vote as well as the delightful and dark Demon's Souls.
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Re: Round 1: G is for Goat Simulator, which wasn't nominated

Post by Humphries90 »

Sharecrow wrote:Am saddened by the lack of Golden Sun love despite its being expected. I gave it a vote as well as the delightful and dark Demon's Souls.
I've only played the first one and part of the second so I can't comment on the third one. First one was great though.
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Re: Round 1: G is for Goat Simulator, which wasn't nominated

Post by Kong Wen »

Demon's Souls progresses to the next round.
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