Round 5: Comet's Bracket

Archive of nominations, event polls, side-events, discussion threads, and results from the 2015-16 "BEST GAME EVER!!!" Project.

What 4 games should advance to Round 6?

Poll ended at 20 Oct 2015 17:58

1986 - Metroid - NES
1989 - Tetris - NES
1998 - Armed Police Batrider - Arcade
1999 - Battle Bakraid - Arcade
2000 - Hogs of War - PS1
2001 - Dynasty Warriors 3 - PS2/XB
2003 - Viewtiful Joe - GCN
2004 - Metroid: Zero Mission - GBA
2009 - Dragon Age: Origins - PC
2011 - Catherine - PS3
Total votes: 47

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Round 5: Comet's Bracket

Post by This Old Neon »

Round 5: Comet's Bracket

You can vote for 1-4 games in this poll. Vote carefully—you can't change your votes after submitting them. The top 4 games at the end of the week will move on to Round 6.

1986 - Metroid - NES
1989 - Tetris - NES
1998 - Armed Police Batrider - Arcade
1999 - Battle Bakraid - Arcade
2000 - Hogs of War - PS1
2001 - Dynasty Warriors 3 - PS2/XB
2003 - Viewtiful Joe - GCN
2004 - Metroid: Zero Mission - GBA
2009 - Dragon Age: Origins - PC
2011 - Catherine - PS3

You are encouraged to discuss your choices and your reasons for selecting the games you did.
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Re: Round 5: Comet's Bracket

Post by Kong Wen »

Tetris and Dynasty Warriors 3 are easy votes from me here. It's interesting to see Metroid come up against Zero Mission. I actually prefer the original. I think it's tighter. Zero Mission tried to do something original and the wheels fell off a little bit.

I hope Magic Hat gets back over here and casts his vote for Hogs of War! He nominates that game every time and it never gets any traction. It was released on PSN as a PSOne Classic a while ago. I really out to give it a try sometime.
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Re: Round 5: Comet's Bracket

Post by Pluvius »

Euuugh. I guess even with the improved nomination phase you're still going to get shit brackets like these in the deeper rounds occasionally.

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Re: Round 5: Comet's Bracket

Post by VictorViper »

Going to stew on this one a bit. Nads is going to be pissed that two of these got paired together.
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Re: Round 5: Comet's Bracket

Post by Sharecrow »

I don't think any of these that I've played deserve my vote and so I'll abstain.
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Re: Round 5: Comet's Bracket

Post by TheGreatNads »

VictorViper wrote:Going to stew on this one a bit. Nads is going to be pissed that two of these got paired together.
Ha, I didn't expect anyone else to vote for them anyway. Still, they remind me that I forgot to nominate Dimahoo for some reason.
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Re: Round 5: Comet's Bracket

Post by VictorViper »

I have shame that I cannot vote for Batrider and Bakraid, but sadly I only got to play them a scant few times. I'm assuming my preferred version of Tetris will appear later (GB), so I'm refraining from boosting the NES version. I trumpeted my love for Viewtiful Joe last round and I'll give it my solitary solidarity here.
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Re: Round 5: Comet's Bracket

Post by Humphries90 »

I'm going to go with DW3. It's not my favourite in the series, but it was my first and it's what made me absolutely love the series from 3-5 including the expansions. First time getting my arse kicked by Lu Bu is something I still have nightmares about.

Also a vote for Tetris. It's Tetris.
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Re: Round 5: Comet's Bracket

Post by SkyPikachu »

I played DA: Origins a little then stopped (Which happens a lot with games for me). I enjoyed what I played though but I didn't actually see it when I voted.

Tetris is the only other game I've played and I love tetris so it was an easy vote.

I plan on playing Zero Mission one day.
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Re: Round 5: Comet's Bracket

Post by Kong Wen »

VictorViper wrote:I'm assuming my preferred version of Tetris will appear later (GB), so I'm refraining from boosting the NES version.
Good call. I'm casting a sole vote for Dynasty Warriors 3. Better Tetris is coming, and the Metroids can duke it out for all I care.

Dynasty Warriors 3 was the first true massively open battlefield peon-slashing game (Dynasty Warriors 2 did it as well, but the technology was so nascent that you could barely get 10 enemies onto the screen at the same time, and the draw distance was so oppressively close that it felt like you were always fighting in a foggy room—the original Dynasty Warriors was, of course, a 2.5D 1-on-1 fighting game). The fact that it had great split-screen multiplayer made it even more impressive. This is considered the "classic" of the series, for anyone who hasn't experienced any of it yet. That doesn't mean it's the best, but it's certainly what made the series.
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