Top 128: 7/16 - Chrono Bracket

Archive of nominations, event polls, side-events, discussion threads, and results from the 2015-16 "BEST GAME EVER!!!" Project.

What 4 games should advance into the Top 64?

Poll ended at 18 Nov 2015 17:22

7 - Chrono Trigger - 1995 - SNES
26 - The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker [HD] - 2002 - GCN/Wii U
39 - Star Wars: X-Wing - 1993 - PC
58 - Europa Universalis IV - 2013 - PC
71 - Mega Man X - 1993 - SNES
90 - Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective - 2010 - DS
103 - Metroid Fusion - 2002 - GBA
122 - Metroid - 1986 - NES
Total votes: 75

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Top 128: 7/16 - Chrono Bracket

Post by This Old Neon »

Welcome to the "BEST GAME EVER!!!" Project Top 128 Brackets!

You can vote for 1-4 games in this bracket. Vote carefully—you can't change your votes after submitting them. The top 4 games at the end of the week will advance to the Top 64.

7 - Chrono Trigger - 1995 - SNES
26 - The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker [HD] - 2002 - GCN/Wii U
39 - Star Wars: X-Wing - 1993 - PC
58 - Europa Universalis IV - 2013 - PC
71 - Mega Man X - 1993 - SNES
90 - Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective - 2010 - DS
103 - Metroid Fusion - 2002 - GBA
122 - Metroid - 1986 - NES

You are encouraged to discuss your choices and your reasons for selecting the games you did.
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Re: Top 128: 7/16 - Chrono Bracket

Post by Niahak »

I hate Europa Universalis IV as much as I like it. If I hadn't started playing it, I could have beaten so many other good games.
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Re: Top 128: 7/16 - Chrono Bracket

Post by VictorViper »

Wind Waker is the only game I feel compelled to vote for here.
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Re: Top 128: 7/16 - Chrono Bracket

Post by Sharecrow »

I went with Chrono Trigger (though this may be the last round I support it, depending) and the wonderful Metroid Fusion - my very favorite Metroid game and in my opinion the one that works the best of all they've made.
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Re: Top 128: 7/16 - Chrono Bracket

Post by The Shoemaker »

My single vote goes to Wind Waker, for being phenominal. The HD remake made it even better.
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Re: Top 128: 7/16 - Chrono Bracket

Post by SkyPikachu »

Wind Waker HD
The game looks beautiful to this day it was fun and challenging enough but never felt unfair. I loved every second of it and it's my favorite Zelda that I've played.

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Re: Top 128: 7/16 - Chrono Bracket

Post by Humphries90 »

Wind Waker. Beautiful. Not perfect, but it has so much charm it's impossible not to love.

I didn't vote for Chrono Trigger. Sadly it was robbed from us Europeans. I played in on the DS (which we still didn't get!) and while it was a good game, I think I must be missing the nostalgia from it. Good, but a little over rated in my opinion.
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Re: Top 128: 7/16 - Chrono Bracket

Post by Kong Wen »

Chrono Trigger is an awesome RPG. A big part of the appeal comes from being able to start again after you beat the game and do things differently and see the repercussions of your actions. They manage to make New Game+ (a relatively new concept at that time) feel like part of the same play-through. Also love how they make a small cast of characters fill various class archetypes. Also the music is fucking phenomenal. It somehow manages to capture the intense melancholy and exuberance of the game all at once.

Mega Man X was a revelation. It was a return to the glory days of the best-designed Mega Man games of old. It was tight, tight, tight. Later X games fell into the same trap of their predecessors by diluting perfect gameplay with more mechanics. And, since we're doing this again, the music was fucking dynamite, even for a Mega Man game!

Metroid Fusion is probably my favourite Metroid game. It even beats Super Metroid for me, which is not only excellent but also holds significant nostalgic value (and I didn't even play it when it first came out!). Fusion just goes to another level. It introduces a powerful, recurring foe that apparently wanders at will, ramping up the tension. You feel like you're spending the whole game being hunted. Great emotional payoff, too, which can be unusual in this kind of game.

Finally, I voted for Star Wars: X-Wing. These games are IMO still the best cockpit / dogfight / flight sim games in existence.
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Re: Top 128: 7/16 - Chrono Bracket

Post by Jordan »

I love Mega Man X and Chrono Trigger, but I will refrain from voting in this poll for one reason. I loved EUIII but never played the 4th one. However, I bet it's just as good as III. Because of that I'm not sure I can justifiably vote in this poll without playing EUIV, which likely deserves to move up since Paradox makes great games.
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Re: Top 128: 7/16 - Chrono Bracket

Post by Niahak »

Jordan wrote:I love Mega Man X and Chrono Trigger, but I will refrain from voting in this poll for one reason. I loved EUIII but never played the 4th one. However, I bet it's just as good as III. Because of that I'm not sure I can justifiably vote in this poll without playing EUIV, which likely deserves to move up since Paradox makes great games.
EU4's not going to make it - no need not to vote for great games because you haven't played one more! Especially if you're voting for those two.

4 is better than 3 was IMO - better variety of gameplay and better coring mechanics. You do have to pick up around some DLC to get the most out of it (Art of War especially, but also El Dorado and Conquest of Paradise if you like colonizing), but if you wait for a sale you can get a good deal.
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