These are
the official reactions to E3.
Horizon looks really neat. Uncharted 4 has good graphics. The Last Guardian looks the same it did 100 years ago, but that's still okay. I'll probably borrow a PS4 sometime in my life. I don't have a connection to Shenmue, but even I was excited and amazed when they announced the... Kickstarter? Weird thing to do, but okay. They spent like 30 seconds on the Morpheus. What gives?
They didn't announce any of the Rare stuff I wanted to see, but I do like pirates and the water in their game was pretty. I will probably not think about it much again. Cuphead was beautiful and I will play it. By the end I realized Notch was spot on with his
predictive Tweet, and chuckled.
Unravel will obviously be stunning. I will install Origin on my computer for Mirror's Edge and Battlefront. So good. Pele's a good guy.
South Park will probably be funny, but I didn't play the first yet. Trackmania Turbo will be excellent, and you will be able to get sick in VR with it.
Just Cause 3 is an open world game I can get behind. We'll have to wait and see on the new Hitman. Why haven't I played Human Revolution yet? I own it... When I watched the KH3 stuff I remembered that I did not understand anything in the first two games, still looked nice. I still want to play FF15.
Star Fox looked like dookie, but it probably plays great. But I mean, complete dookie, seriously. Zelda Three Swords Adventure, I dunno if I can round up a crew for that kind of thing anymore. Mario Maker reminds me of my SMW rom hacking days. Do I still have my levels somewhere? Too many amiibos. Metroid got robbed.
PC Show:
New Killing Floor 2 gore system
, uses PhysX D: . Somehow Phil Spencer announced the most stuff, but of all the Gears games to port over, they're choosing a remake of the only Gears game that already has a PC version. I don't know if I'll check out Killer Instinct. Too many developers came out to say, "Hey guys, we have nothing to show right now, but check back later". AMD was laying the advertising on a bit too thick, that said I'll spend $650 for their stupid graphics card. No Man's Sky confirmed for PC. I thought we knew this already? I also like that this is really the only conference where the audience can get excited for American Truck Simulator. It's truly a different market over here.
Show Floor:
I forgot to follow anything. Oculus Touch sounds incredible, but I think I'm still sticking with Vive. Morpheus games actually do look nice, but it seems few of them really, REALLY make use of VR's unique strengths.
Final Thoughts: The Last Guardian, Shenmue 3, and a FF7 remake all happened in the span of an hour. I think Half-Life 3 might be the last white whale left in gaming.
Great job!