Round 3: The Québec Bracket

Archive of nominations, event polls, side-events, discussion threads, and results from the 2015-16 "BEST GAME EVER!!!" Project.

What three games should advance to the next round?

Poll ended at 03 Oct 2015 23:22

1980 - Pac-Man - Arcade
1991 - Lemmings - PC
1992 - Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins - GB
1995 - Toy Story - SNES
1996 - Wave Race 64 - N64
1997 - Yoshi's Story - N64
1998 - Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete - PS1
2006 - Pokémon [Diamond/Pearl] Version - DS
2010 - Super Street Fighter IV - Multiplatform
2010 - Donkey Kong Country Returns - Wii/3DS
Total votes: 64

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Re: Round 3: The Québec Bracket

Post by Humphries90 »

The Shoemaker wrote:I would probably rather replay this one over the original trilogy.
Glad I'm not the only one!
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Re: Round 3: The Québec Bracket

Post by SkyPikachu »

evildevil97 wrote:The waggle controls from the Wii version of DKC Returns is the only reason I couldn't vote for it. It really soured the experience for me, and I don't feel like double dipping for the 3DS version just to overcome that.
This is why I like 2 better than Returns. The waggling was so annoying.
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Re: Round 3: The Québec Bracket

Post by Spore »

Slurmee wrote:
evildevil97 wrote:The waggle controls from the Wii version of DKC Returns is the only reason I couldn't vote for it. It really soured the experience for me, and I don't feel like double dipping for the 3DS version just to overcome that.
This is why I like 2 better than Returns. The waggling was so annoying.
I feel like I never noticed the waggling. Didn't it always amount to flick the controller to roll? The motion was basically just another button like the spin in Mario Galaxy.
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Re: Round 3: The Québec Bracket

Post by The Shoemaker »

Spore wrote:
Slurmee wrote:
evildevil97 wrote:The waggle controls from the Wii version of DKC Returns is the only reason I couldn't vote for it. It really soured the experience for me, and I don't feel like double dipping for the 3DS version just to overcome that.
This is why I like 2 better than Returns. The waggling was so annoying.
I feel like I never noticed the waggling. Didn't it always amount to flick the controller to roll? The motion was basically just another button like the spin in Mario Galaxy.
That's how I felt, but everyone's tolerance for motion controls is different. There were only a few times where I accidentally rolled in a pit from unintended movement. Most of my waggle deaths came from trying to blow a flower but not holding down on the nunchuck perfectly and the game thinking I wanted to roll.

I thought it was a good addition for smacking the ground and getting the last couple punches in on a boss, as those actions made sense, and felt good.
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Re: Round 3: The Québec Bracket

Post by Kong Wen »

Pac-Man, Super Street Fighter IV, and Lemmings will advance to the next round!
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